Part 3: Fixing the Past

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Thursday, October 29th, 1992: Axl lay in bed with a pillow over his face thinking about the things he's done. He's only been out on parole for three days and has already killed two people. What's on the agenda for today? Kidnap a bus full of school children and push it off the edge of a cliff?

He felt like such a monster. How could he have killed the woman he loved? How could he, in a moment of blind rage, make a mistake that can never be changed?

He called Tommy to talk about it since he was his only friend in the world.

"You know what I think," Axl started. "I think it's wrong of me to sit here and dwell about what happened. I can't bring her back and I can't make things right. I can only do what she did and move on."

"And how do you plan to go about moving on?"

"By finding a replacement. By the end of the week, I'll have a new girl." Axl said with a big smile.

"You know, Axl, as much as I want to see you happy, I think you should focus on mending your old friendships with your band mates. They'll be there for you longer than any girl will so you need to focus your attention on trying to make things right with them." Tommy said.

"They'll never listen to me. They probably all hate me now." "That doesn't mean it's not worth a shot. You don't have anything to lose but potentially everything to gain."

Axl sat there quietly pondering over it making up with his old friends. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't see them ever liking him again.

"You know Slash is having his annual Halloween party this weekend. Maybe you should go by, like old times, and try to make up with them there." Tommy said. 

It sounded like the perfect time to try to make things right. And also the perfect setting for finding a replacement. Axl smiled. "I'll go then."

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