Saix x Reader

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You were a nobody. Everyone except Demyx said you didn't have a heart, but you knew that wasn't true. You have a heart it's just consumed by darkness. You couldn't remember anything from your past which you thought was sad. You currently were exploring some worlds. You were in Twilight Town walking around. "Hmm..." You heard someone sigh. "Number XV. I thought I'd find you here." You looked and saw Saix. You smiled, he was like your best friend. "Saix! Isn't this place amazing they have this cool ice cream called Sea Salt ice cream! It's delicious you should try it!" He just glared at you. "Did you finish your mission?" You nod. You saw Axel, Roxas and Xion. "Axel! Roxas! Xion!" They heard you and came over to you. "Hey (N/n)!" Roxas smiled. Xion looked confused why Saix was here. "Saix did get worried (N/n) was in trouble?" Axel had a smug grin on his face. Saix just glared then left. "Aw he left." "Why was he here the first place?" Xion was very confused. You ruffled her hair. "He was here because of me." She swatted your hands away. "Ooo! Saix has a crush on (N/n)!" You blushed this seemed so... Familiar.... Your head started to hurt and you had a brief flashback.
A girl with (h/c) hair was talking to three boys before a female came over. "Ven there you are! Terra and I have been worried sick!" Ven just laughed, "You guys know I come here to hang out with Lea, Isa and (Y/n)." "I'm Lea, got it memorised!" "I'm Isa." The girl giggled. "(Y/n) what's so funny?" "Oh nothing just Lea kinda ruined Isa's jacket." The two boys noticed this and Isa left to go get changed. "Well Ven when you're done here we need to go home and train." Ven nodded. "Ok!"
~End of flashback~
You felt like someone was carrying you. You noticed it was Axel. "Hey put me down!" He looked at you and did as you said. "Thank you." He sighed. "We were worried something bad happened to you." You shake you head. "Nope just a flashback." He cringed when you said flashback. "Axel there's something you're not telling me." Saix walked over to you. "(N/n) Superior needs to talk to you." You nod and follow Saix to the Superior. "Hey Isa- I mean Saix why does Xemnas need to talk with me." He stops walking and you walk straight into his back and fall. "What did you just call me?" He looked at you with so much hope. "I c-called you I-Isa." He picked you up and opened a dark corridor. Which lead to his room. "(N/n) tell me you remember our promise." Your promise, does he mean the one that you'll be friends no matter what? "Um..." He sighed. "Probably not..." He looked so sad you just couldn't stand it. You grabbed his face and pulled it close to yours. You kissed him. Then you pulled away and let go of his face. "Sorry!" His eyes go from golden to blue and he kisses you. You have a little make out session. "I love you Isa." He smiles, "I love you too (Y/n)"

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