4 Shorts

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  (Please note, the following has nothing at all to do with the cover picture. Sorry if you came here looking for shiny things. While you are here....)



It is said that every person is born with a hole in their heart, and it is this hole that stops them becoming a complete person. The hole can only be filled by someone else, who, in every possible way, will be the perfect match for them.

 He knew she was the one as soon as she walked into the room. The one he had been searching for his whole life, the only one who could complete him. Now, if she would only pause for a second, so he could fully take her in. As if in obedience to his wish, time, at least from his perspective, seemed to run down, and finally to stop altogether. Yes, he thought, she was the one. If someone had asked him how he knew that, he most likely would have mumbled something about her being beautiful. And that certainly was true. Some girls are cute, some pretty, some sexy, while some take time to grow into a vision of loveliness. But this girl was in no way a classic beauty. In fact, it seemed as though the very manner of her imperfections enhanced her looks, seeming to mesh to a whole much greater than the sum of its parts. Her eyes, for instance, were a little too large for her elfin face, and her nose, a fraction small. He did not waste time with the rest of her however; he knew she was the one for him. He knew this as strongly and surely as he had ever known anything in his life. If I can win this girl, he thought, I know I can be a good person. How can I possibly fail with that goddess at my side? Again, he rose from his chair, this time with the intention of going over to speak with her. If he could just ask her name, right now, he knew that everything was going to be alright.


But what happens when the person you have fought so hard to find, does not feel the same way. What if they are already the key to someone else’s lock?

Here she was before him, his destiny, and his soul mate. Fighting back the desire to run away, he walked up to her. At fist, she did not notice him standing there, engrossed as she is in sorting her books. Then she looks up and favors him with a dazzling smile. Somehow, from somewhere deep down inside him, he manages to pluck up the courage to extend his hand; sure she will not take it. But she does, and surely, it’s just his imagination working overtime, but he thinks he feels something pass between their clasped hands, like a current of electricity. He looks up into her face and she smiles. Right then, he knows she felt it too. She opens her mouth and begins to form the words, the words that will seal them together for ever. Hi, my name is…

Again, time seems to stop for him, frozen in the very act that could be the turning point of his whole life. No one around him is moving, or seemingly frozen solid by the power of his love for this, as yet unknown girl. But no, now he realises that something else is moving, at the back of the room. A boy is slowly pushing forward, appearing to struggle against the forces holding him. But he is making progress, slowly making his way towards them, an expression of grim resolve. All at once, he knows who this boy is, why he is here, at this moment. He has also given his heart and soul to this girl. And he knows, if this boy can reach them, it will be all over, he will lose and his heart will remain empty. His first instinct if too fight, even if his is the latter claim. But it is useless, he can feel the power of the unknown boys love, almost see it in fact, pouring out of him, straight into the girl in front of him. And, she returns it, completely, and he is lost.


You must continue to love that person as much as possible, from a great distance if necessary. Do everything you can for them, because, some day, you may find someone asking you for the very same thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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