IX. [january 2015]

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january 11th

10:47 pm.


"zayn!" niall yelped. he called for his boyfriend again and clutched his stomach. zayn woke up with a start and at once he immediately wrapped his arms around his baby.

"what's wrong, niall?" zayn asked worriedly. he rubbed his palms up and down niall's back to try and calm him, but it didn't seem to be working.

"the baby's coming!" niall gasped "now, zayn!" the older's eyes widened in surprise before realisation hit him, and oh.


zayn burst through the hospital doors, carrying niall bridal-style in his arms. he shouted for someone to come and help them, but the waiting room seemed to be empty except for an old man that reminded him a bit of his grandfather. a middle-aged, kindly-looking nurse in pastel yellow scrubs suddenly appeared from a corridor with a wheelchair and rushed over to them. a doctor quickly followed, and soon they had niall situated as best they could. zayn held niall's shaking hand and rubbed the pad of his thumb across the back of it.

the nurse, whose ID card read 'debbie', started to push the wheelchair towards one of the nearest operating rooms, but then she stopped and glanced back at zayn.

"sir," she began, "i'm afraid this is where you'll have to wait. it's a very risky surgery and we wouldn't want anything to happen to your husband or your baby," zayn was so busy panicking that he didn't bother to correct her.

"wait!" he said. zayn knelt down on one knee and started to quickly unlace niall's red converse.

"sir-" the doctor exclaimed, looking somewhat bewildered.

"please! i'm almost done!" he ever so gently lifted off niall's shoes, and then, sweetly placing his hands on either side of his love's tummy, he gently kissed niall. zayn stood up after a few tender moments had been shared, and pecked his lips once more (he made sure to say 'i love you' too).  he hooked his index fingers inside the worn shoes and wearily made his way down the dingy corridor.

when he made it to the waiting room, zayn slumped down in a hard, plastic chair and began to study his boyfriend's favourite shoes. they were red converse high tops, size eight. zayn thought a bit small for a twenty year old man, but then again, niall wasn't really the average size for his age. the sides were terribly cracked where the rubber and the canvas met, and the fabric was slightly worn out where niall's ankles had been.these shoes had walked a thousand miles, yet never left he city.


daniel javadd malik, born at 4:23 am on january 12th, 2015.

zayn stepped into the bright hospital room, a small hospital gift shop bag dangling from his long fingers. his eyes welled up with tears at the sight before him; niall lay in his bed, their tiny new son wrapped up in his arms. zayn wiped his brown eyes on his sleeve, desperately hoping that niall hadn't noticed that he'd been crying.

"i got your sweets, babe," zayn pulled out a bag of candy from his pocket that his love had asked for before he left to get some fresh air. niall grinned brightly, kissing zayn and tenderly looking down at their baby.

"you wanna hold 'im, z?" niall asked sweetly, huffing as his flat, fluffy blonde hair fell down in his eyes for the umpteenth time. zayn put the candy down on the bedside table and stretched his arms out. niall placed daniel gently in his strong arms and cooed as he saw some tears free-fall down zayn's cheeks. daniel, or danny, as niall had nicknamed him, blew some spit bubbles and laughed cutely as he wrapped a tiny hand around his papa's finger.

"hello baby," zayn leaned down to kiss his teeny forehead, wetting it with tears. "i love you."

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