Funny reunions

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Onoderas P.O.V

Sempai. I love you. My sempai and I had finally started dating. But it's hard to date someone who just met you. I had been stalking hi, for a while now and when I finally let it all out he said he liked me to. I was so happy I could have died.



I ran over and hugged him. Today I was going to stay the night at his house. Maybe we could go out before that. Maybe. I forgot one detail. Im a neko. I look just like any other human but if were given pleasure or if the vampires let out this certain smell our tail and ears come out. And sempai just happened to be a vampire.

"Ritsu we should get going."

'No just a bit longer please! I want to always stay like this with you.' He finally broke apart from the hug and started to walk away, but grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

We started our walk to his house and passed the ice cream place. I was a little disappointed and sempai seemed to notice. Because he let go of my hand. 'No are you mad at me for being selfish?' He walked over to the ice cream booth and ordered.

"Ritsu, what flavor do you want?"

He wasn't walking away from me, well he was but it was for me.
I walked over to him and placed my order.

"Thank you so much Sempai!"

"Just remember Ritsu, I love you."

Oh no. My heart. Sempai walked over and embraced me. No please don't feel my heart beating. He let go and grabbed my hand again. We continued our way to sempais house. And finally arrived.

We walked up to his room but soon went back down for dinner. His mom was there but made no intention of talking to us. We sat down at the table and began to eat. It looked like chicken. My favorite. I was feeling thursty and took a sip of my drink. It tasted like metal. Like digusting metal. It was blood.


I dropped the drink in horror. Which it shattered everywhere. Sempai ran over and hugged my shaking body.

"Masamune whats going on."

Sempais mom walked in and glanced from us to the floor.

"Why does he look so scared. Its just glass."

"I told you that he was a human. He just drank human blood didn't he."

"Whatever. Clean this up I have to go to work."

She walked out of the kitchen. And once we heard the door close we knew she was gone. Sempai hugged me tighter.

"Ritsu. Im so sorry. Here you go get in the shower while I clean this up. Its the door at the end of the hallway to the right."


I walk upstairs and found the bathroom. He said a shower but I wanted a bath . I fill up the bath with bubbles and hop in. Im still shaking from drinking blood. About 5 minutes later i heard the bathroom door open. I completely froze.



What. What. What? Why is he in here?!

"Oy scoot over."

WHAT!? Is he getting in with me? I feel him slide in behind me and hug me from behind.

"Sssssssempai wwwhat are yyyou doing?"

"Were dating arnt we. Im just bathing with my lover."

Nekos and vampires (junjou romantica and sekai ichi hatsukoi fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now