what happened to you

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Usagis P.O.V

I stared at my little Misaki. What did he just say?

"Misaki is sometiing wrong?"

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

No no NO! This cant be happening. I rush over and pick him up. He starts to push me away and squirm.

"Stop! Master told me not to let anyone touch me!"


That just made me hold him tighter. I walked out of the room quickly and made my way down the hall.

"Stop let me go!"

"Misaki hold still baby."

I took him into the castels doctors office and put him on a bed.

"Prince Akihiko whats wrong with him?"

"That what I want to find out."

He takes a sedative and sedates him. I flinch as I hear him screaming for the doctor to stop. After that the doctor examined him and it took everything I was not to attack him for touching Misaki.

"I cant find anything wrong with him at the moment. Ill need to take some blood work to see if its any brain damage."

"Alright. Please just get it over with."

"I'm gonna need you to leave the room while I do tests."

"No I'm staying here."

"Lord Akihiko I cant do anything till you leave."


I storm out of the room and wait outside. The door locks behind me. Damn bastard. I ask for a chair while I wait outside. After about 30 minutes I heard glass break and knocked at the door.

"Is Misaki ok?! What happened!?"

"Oh nothing happened, Usami-san."

That voice. Its..

"Ijuuin open the door stay away from MISAKI!!!"

I run to the door and fling it open. Locks cant stop me. The docter was on the floor passed.My Misaki was in that monsters arms. The window was broken and Ijuuin had his wings. He turned around and said the words that can onpy come from a demons mouth.

"Come near him and his life will be ended."

Knowing him he would do that. I was frozen. I dropped to my knees and put my hands on my face.

"I like that pose. Froid."

I was frozen stiff. I could only move my eyes and mouth. I was so shaken at that moment that I let my guard down and he froze me. Misaki Takashi I swear I will get you back no matter what. As I thought that he left through the window. My Misaki. I love you.

Misaki's P.O.V

I felt the cold rush of wind hit me. What was happening?

"Misaki wake up."

That voice. Who was it?

"Misaki its your master."

That right. Its master Ijuuin. Slowly I open my eyes and see my master. He gives me a warm smile.

"Hello my Misaki. Did you sleep well?"


"Shhh dont call me that. Its Ijuuin."

"gomen. Please forgive me."

He stopped flying and kissed me. I didnt know what to do. He licked my bottom lip and wanted an entrance. Hes my master so I gave it to him. He broke apart soon and hugged me close.

"Your my lover. Look you have a ring on your left finger. We'll have kids and live forever."

"Master Ijuu-nagi..."


"What did I just say?"

"Dont worry about it baby it was probably a slip of the toung."

It didn't feel like that though. What was I going to say? He started flying again. We made it to the castel where he landed on his bedroom balcony. Gently he placed me in a chair and opened the doors into the castel. His bedroom was inside.

"Misaki come here."

I stood up fast not wanting to upset my master. I walked clumsily over to him where I tripped. But instead of being met by the floor
I was met by warm arms. Master Ijuuin picked me up. My body against his. He lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes.

"Misaki whats bothering you?"

My face wells up in tears. He gives me a look of shock and pulls me closer. But this isnt the warmth I want. I want someone else's warmth.

"Misaki whats wrong?!"

"I-its nothing m-m-master."

He grabs my wrist and falls back on the bed pulling me with him. I lay on his chest trying to get my breathing to match his.

"I love you master."

"I love you to Misaki."

He lifted my chin and looked deep into my eyes. Gently he kissed my forehead. But it didnt feel right. I turned over so I was on the bed. Master hugging me from behind. Thats where I fell into a deep sleep.

"Where am I?"

I looked around. It looked almost like a medow. There was a tree and flowers surrounding it. But on the other side of the tree there was a man. Well half man. He hsd beautiful silver hair amd was wearing a tail coat. He had bunny ears and a tail. He began to stir when I walked up to him. Finally he opened his eyes. They were the most beautifulest lavender color. He stood up.

"Hello. My name is...Usagi."


He pulled me into a hug and it felt like I should be in his arms. I hugged him back. He seemed to like that because he smirked.

"Misaki come with me."

"How do you know my name?"

"I heard it in a dream where a little boy named Misaki fell in love with me."

At that moment I felt loved. And I felt like he was sopossed to be with me. Just after I thought that I heard a bell.

"Damn. Untill tonight my love."

"What do you mean? I want to stay here Usagi. I like it here."


He kissed me on the forehead and let go of me. I didnt want him to leave so I grabbed his hand. He looked at me with sad eyes and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. Thats when I believe I fell asleep.

"Misaki wake up. Its time to start a new day."

I woke up to my masters face which quickly turned to panic. I fwlt my face and there were tears. I miss the Rabbit. I cant wait to see him again.

Misaki X Usagi story end
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Uggg ok so this weekend I had to go to my grandparents house first then go to my dads house to an Illini game. Then his girlfriend wanted him to come to her house to help with homework because whe wanted to finish her degree and she lives an hour away from my dad. Then we broke a headlight on the way ober and I was left with a crappy I pad which I canr download apps on. Ok question time. This will be one of the last questions so pls awnser so it can give me ideas for new books.

Whats your favorite other yaoi anime\manga besides junjou romantica and sekai ichi hatsukoi?


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