Dani's Tragedy

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Lily and I were walking down the path we always did every other weekend. Hand in hand and just cutting up jokes until she made us fall over and I was on top of her laughing. She always made me smile on the days I had a hard time. I looked into her eyes and smiled as she moved a piece of hair and put it behind my ear and she kissed my lips and her kisses were so soft. She wrapped her arms around my waist. I giggled. She was just so adorable and sweet, I've never been this happy before. Than a few moments later all of that changed. I looked into her eyes and I saw something that I never seen before. I saw real fear. She helped me up and put me right behind her. I looked over her shoulder I saw a beautiful witch with long silver hair, icy blue eyes and a wonderful smile. She was slender and taller then I was back than. Lily had her sword out already and I was confused. I never seen such anger and worried in her. She was even shaking.

    "My dear such a beautiful young warrior, I am not here to harm you; I'm only here to take that pretty Sea Witch off your hands to bring her to my Castle. Come my child come with me."

For some odd reason my body obeyed her commands and I couldn't stop myself it was like I was in a trace that I couldn't get out of. I wanted to talk or move, but my body wouldn't let me. I followed her voice and I started walking towards her until someone grabbed me from behind and tugged me. I was in Lily's arms, but I tried to get out of her grip because of this trance but Lily wouldn't have it.

     "Let her out of your fucking trance! I am her Guardian and I won't let some whore of a witch like you Sally have her so you can take over her mind and make her your slave! I will not let anything happen to this girl because she is my lover and I am her protector! Now get back or I will kill you!" I heard Lily say with fear and anger. Why was she scared? She can protect me I know she can.

      "Silly demon you are Lily. I never would have thought a demon like you would fall for Sea Witch like her. There are so many others you could have, but you chose her. I will take her by force if I have too because she is a very special witch, but you already know that by now. I don't have time to play with you girl! Julie, get rid of her girl!" That's when I saw the wolf. Big, tall and has gray fur and very beautiful. I was out of Lily's grasp and I was in front of Sally as she was about to put her hand on my cheek, but Lily fought back. She tackled Sally to the ground as I was out of her trance and they were fighting.

I didn't know what to do, until I saw Julie growling at me and came after me. We fought for some time, but I wasn't as strong as she was. She slashed her claws at my neck down to my stomach and I fell over. I put my hands on my body to stop the bleeding and my hands were covered in my own blood. I felt lightheaded and everything was blurry and I saw someone get in front of me as Julie was about to finish me. I heard the high pitch scream from the person and it echoed throughout the woods and my head. I kept hearing Julie attack the person until she was gone and I could see a little better. Sally was gone and so was Julie. I was in so much pain until I saw someone crawling towards me as they wrapped me in their embrace. Then I realized it was Lily who got attacked by Julie because she was protecting me. I got up from my spot and put her head in my lap and I saw she covered in blood and a big cut on the side of her throat, but she was putting pressure on it. She was too weak to even move. I put my hand on the cut to slow down the bleeding. I was crying as she looked at me with her small smile.

    "I guess... I wasn't as strong as Julie... After I tackled Sally I heard you screaming for help... I looked behind me as I saw you fighting this beast as I was trying to kill Sally... I was a little too late and Sally stabbed me in my side and when she disappeared... I saw you on the ground bleeding... I couldn't let them kill you or take you away from me... So I did what I thought was right because I am your protector as much as your lover... I saw Julie about to finish you, but I got in front of her and once I did we fought, but she was so much stronger then me and she cut the side... of my neck and I fell... She kept attacking me until Sally said to stop and to go with her... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Dani... I'm sorry your hurt and I am sorry I couldn't stop Julie... I love you Dani and I don't want to leave you alone, but my time has come..." She said as I was trying to stop the bleeding. My hands were covered in both of our blood, but my hand was slipping. I had tears going down my face because I didn't want to lose her. I tore my ripped shirt off and wrapped it around her neck.

      "No you did a fanatic job baby... don't ever think you didn't... If it wasn't for you to get in front of me I would have been killed... you'll make it I promise you... I already hit the alert button on my wrist band for them to find us... they will be here soon, just please hang in there because I can't lose you Lily... I just can't... I love you Lily... I love you so much... Please don't leave me alone... please you have to make it... I won't lose you... I can't lose you... Please Lily stay with me... I love you..." I kept saying it and I saw tears going down her face as I wiped them away. I could see the light leaving her eyes and I started to bawl like a baby. "Lily, please... Don't leave me... I love you... Please stay with me... please..." I said through my tears and teeth. She put her hand on my cheek as she wiped some of the tears away from my eyes. Her hands were cold as ice as she touched it.

     "I will... always be with you... I'll always love you... I'll watch over you my love... You've been the best person I could have ever met... You made me into another person... Once I found out I was... going to be your protector I knew right off the bat... We would be close, but we got closer and here we are now... me dying in the arms of the girl I love... I'll never forget you my love, I promise... I love you..." She said as I could hear the pain in her voice she lend up and kissed my lips one last time. "I'll never forget you my love... My Dani..." She said her last words to me before she died in my arms. Our foreheads were touching as I heard her last breath leave her.

      "No... LILY! Don't leave me! Lily! No, no, NO!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt her body go to ash and the wind blew them up to the sky. I could see a form of her face as she looked pained. "LILY!!!!!" I screamed again as the image of her disappeared. All that was left of her was a necklace I gave her for our two year anniversary. I clutched it in my hands as I felt my tears hit my hand. I didn't care I was bleeding out, I wanted to die with her so we would be together forever. I knew I lost too much blood and I fell to the ground as I heard a ringing in my ear. That's when I saw her looking down at me with sadness on her face. "Lily..." I said, but she just bent down and kissed my lips one last time and I felt my wound close, but nit all the way. "No... I want to leave with you... Please don't leave me..." I whispered before everything went black.


I know it's kind of short, but I just wanted to let you guys know how much Lily meant to Dani. Don't worry the next chapter will be longer I promise, but for now i hope you are liking this story so far. This has close to second most reads, but has more vote on it then any of my other stories. I'm glad I could create this book because it's one of my first ones I've ever written and I wanted it to be real and here I am today. If you like this story please vote, comment, read. Sorry I haven't been updating I keep forgetting to update, but I am getting better at remembering it. 

Until next update I will see you guys more once I get the next part done which shouldn't be long. Until then please read some of my other stories if you want. Just go on my page and look at what I have written. Love you guys so much and thank you for the support :)

<3 Jade <3

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