Chapter 1

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"Clarice! Crawford wants to interrogate you." An officer said.

She walked through narrow passages filled with FBI agents, and at last reached the place where it said 'Behavioral Sciences'.
"You were calling me, sir?" Clarice asked.

"Yeah, you've been seeing Lecter without my account. What have you been telling him Starling." Crawford spout.

"Well, I've been asking him about Buffalo Bill, and well other stuff about the psychopaths in his place" She said with confidence

"Huh.... Well I want you to go there again and ask him more about Buffalo Bill. I want a full report on my desk by Wednesday, 08:00 am, understood Starling?" Crawford said sternly

"Yes sir." She took the chance to talk to him once again.

She went inside Baltimore State Hospital, took a deep breath and went to Hannibal.

"My dear. What are you doing here on this fine afternoon, visiting me again huh? How many more things do I need to answer for Jacky... How many more my sweet." Hannibal hissed through the hole.

"Why are you so angry at me, I haven't done anything Dr. Lecter." Clarice told him.

"You haven't told me about Buffalo Bill. Where's his record? I thought you would give it to me. You silly little girl. You won't give up on the senator's daughter would you." Hannibal walked around his room as he said that.

"I would say you'd love to have a beautiful glass of Chianti, or a Pinot Grigio, and cook your victims with fava beans, your favorite, and eat with your bride, am I right Dr. Lecter?" Clarice says.

"Yes you are, yet I did not have a bride my love." Hannibal whispered as he put one finger out to touch her pale face. "Silky, smooth, beautiful. You're quite enchanting my sweet." He pulled back his finger and sat on his bed.

"Hannibal. This is not important, I must tell you now, help me with the case, and I will try to see if I could get you out of this hellhole." Clarice spout and Hannibal grinned.

"Are you sexually attracted to me?" Hannibal asked her with a smirk.

"I- I don't know what you're saying Dr. L- Lecter" she stuttered

"Do you want to share a life of sin and gore with me, as your husband, of sorts?" He smirked again

"I-I" Clarice sputtered again.

"Cat got your tongue love? I'm taking it as a yes. If you do indeed want me, you must give me Buffalo Bill's case files." He said "now fly along my sweet one, fly, fly, fly."

"No Hannibal, I- I want to talk more." Clarice said.

"What would you like to talk about my sweet? Anything you'd like, or better yet, your personal life love." Hannibal asked with a smirk.

"You were right... About the lambs. Hannibal, they stopped. I slept good last night my swe-" Clarice heard herself and stopped. Hannibal smirked at her and sat across her. The only thing blocking was the glass.

"You have an affection for me, my sweet. Tell me, what did you do to stop these lambs from hurting you." Hannibal asked curiously.

"I thought of you. They instantly went away." Clarice stood up as she said that and straightened her skirt. "Goodbye, Dr. Lecter" she left.

"Why the sudden formality?" Hannibal asked and slumped back down into the confines of his cell.

She ran out, afraid of what her heart told her to do. That day, she discovered, she had been loving a cannibal psychopath since she first locked eyes with him. Not knowing that the infamous cannibal shared the same feeling as she did.

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