Arriving at PAX

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Third person POV
     On the plane going to PAX this year, Duncan has so many things on his mind and surprised how many people subscribed to his channel so fast within a year. Planning things at the last minute to interact with the crowd. His earbuds in his ears listening to Pop Evil on his phone.
     He feels a tap on his shoulder and his best friend since childhood got his attention. Duncan takes out his earbud.
    "What is it Kimi-Ro?" Duncan asking a bit confused. "The captain said we are going to be landing in two hours!!" Said Kimi-Ro excitedly. " I can't believe that the both of us got a panel for PAX this year and how fast our channels got so popular." Said Duncan with excitement in his voice.
    "I noticed you writing a few things down, what is it for?" Asked Kimi-Ro. "It's last minute ideas for us to interact with our big fan crowd." Said Duncan with confidence. Kimi-Ro reads the ideas over and likes each one.
    "These are good ideas Duncan, the crowd will love it." Said Kimi-Ro getting excited. "PAX is going to be great for us for our first time." Said Duncan happily.
   (Two hours later.)
   The plane finally lands, Duncan and Kimi-Ro get their suit cases and their backpacks at the bag pick up and walk outside.
     "We should go to the hotel first and drop off our stuff at the room then head to PAX to get setup." Said Kimi-Ro. "Good idea, Kimi. Taxi!!" Duncan yelled and a taxi stopping near Duncan and Kimi-Ro. Duncan and Kimi-Ro open the back door of the taxi and getting in.
    "Where you two want to go?" Asked the taxi driver. "To the Roosevelt please." Said Kimi-Ro politely. "You got it miss." Said the taxi driver.
   (Three hours later)
  Duncan's POV
  We arrive at the Roosevelt hotel where we reserved a room for us for PAX this year. Kimi-Ro and I walk inside and walk up to the front desk. "Good morning, welcome to the Roosevelt how can I help you?" Said the receptionist in a friendly voice. "We reserved a room here, I'm Duncan Wolfgang and this is Kimi-Ro Akuchki." I said in a friendly tone.
   The receptionist types our names in the computer and found our names. "Ah yes, you have the room 437." Said the receptionist as she handed us the key to our room. We thanked her and headed to the elevator. "What time is it?" I asked Kimi-Ro. Kiki-Ro looks at her phone. "It's 11:30 and our panel starts at 2:00, so we have enough time." Said Kimi-Ro smiling.
   The elevator door opens and I push the button to the fourth floor. "I wonder who we'll meet today?" Kimi-Ro asking me. "We'll find out when we get to PAX." I said smiling to Kimi-Ro. The elevator stops on the fourth floor, we walk down the hallway to our room.
    "Open the door!!" Kimi-Ro said excitedly. "Ok, ok hold on to your panties so they won't get in a bunch." I said and then chuckle afterwards. Kimi-Ro smacking my arm and chuckling too. I unlock the door to our room and we are both in a state of awwww from the beauty of the room to the most amazing view from our room.
   "Damn, this is an amazing view!!" Said Kimi-Ro in her amazed tone. I explored the room and found that the beds are in separate rooms. "DIBS!!" I yelled as I took my room. "I GOT MY ROOM ALREADY!!" Kimi-Ro yells from her room.
   Kimi-Ro's POV
  Duncan yells dibs for his room and I yelled that I took mine. Placing my back pack on the bed and leaving my suitcase near the bed. I unlock my phone and call my dad.
  (Phone rings three times)
Dad: Kimi-Ro, did you and Duncan make it safely?
Kimi-Ro: We did dad and our room is amazing along with the view outside.
Dad: Glad you both made it safe. I'll see you in four days.
Kimi-Ro: Bye dad, love you
Dad: Love you too.
    As the call ended, I lye my suitcase on the bed and unzip it, I grab my jade green short sleeve shirt with silver stripes on the sleeves and one big silver stripe on the front. I also grab my comfortable jeans I wear and I bought fifteen pairs of the same ones.
    "Don't go to the bathroom, I'm going to shower quick before we leave for PAX!!" I yell to Duncan. "I won't Kimi-Ro, I wouldn't want to look anyway!" Duncan yells back to her and both laughing.
   "I know Duncan!" I yell back. I go to the bathroom and my God, it's so gorgeous. It's like something you see on tv but, this time Duncan and I are in a place like it. I unlock my phone and I play Moon Pride as I get the shower on and I adjust the water.
   Duncan's POV
Kimi-Ro playing her favorite song. I look at my phone and see more notifications that more people commented on my videos. "Holy f**k!! This is awesome!" I said happily and excited. I comment back to my subscribers. About fifteen minutes later, I heard Kimi-Ro leave the bathroom and she is in my door way wearing her favorite outfit. Her long black hair with green highlights is up in a pony tail and she is wearing her star dangling earrings. "Ready Duncan?" She asks me. "I will be ready, I need to change quickly." I said to Kimi-Ro. "Make it quick, I like to look around before our panel." Kimi-Ro said.
   Kimi-Ro leaves from my doorway of my room. I lye my suitcase on my bed and I grab my black shirt with the pocket on the left side and my tommy hilfigure jeans. I quickly change and I meet Kimi-Ro out in the living room. "Ready to go?" I ask her. "Yes, I'm ready. Let's go!" Kimi-Ro said excitedly.

This is the first story I'm doing. Hope you like it and I'll update it more. Not sure how long it'll be though. Hope you all like it and be honest.

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