damien meeting pip (dip :3)

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I was sent to this stupid school bye my stupid father Satan I sit down mumbling to myself as a boy no one likes walks up I say what is it what do u want the little boy says in a kawaii voice I am pip well that's what my friends call me if I had any friends I feel sorry for him so I say I will be ur friend in a grunt he sit next to me and we talk a long time before he sees my eyes fill with fire and he walks away without saying goodbye I say come back here what happened and I accidentally shoot lasers from my eyes and catch the gym on fire I walk out of the gym acting innocent but its so hard when I am the spawn of Satan ......later that day I see pip and say sorry I just really liked you and I wanted to hang out pip turns around I am sorry for ignoring u my place after school I say cool sure I will ride the bus with you pip say ok then we go on with our day


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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