Chapter 1

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6:45 pm. It's almost supper time and Sanji goes out and tells you to go get Zoro from the Crows Nest. He's always working out at the Crows Nest before supper, and you're the one constantly calling him that it's time to eat. It doesn't bother you, though. You like calling his name, and you enjoy the small talks you have with him when you guys walk together to the dining room. Although it's not much, you treasure every conversation you have with him because you like Zoro. You've liked him for a long time, but you were always afraid to confess to him.

 The thought of him not reciprocating your feelings scares you; and you're better off with just staying as friends if that means you're still able to have small talks with him everyday. You didn't want to risk losing those small laughs you shared, and you certainly couldn't handle facing him after revealing your true feelings for him. That would be a mess. But you didn't want to think about this no further, all it would result in is giving you a headache. You walked towards your destination and finally arrive at the Crows Nest door. You pound on the door several times because you knew Zoro would be in there working out. After a few more loud knocks, he finally opens the door. You see him wearing a black tank top and black shorts, tennis shoes, and a white towel on his shoulder. Perspiration pouring down his face. He picks up the towel and wipes off sweat on his face. When you see this you couldn't help but blush a little and looked away. "What's up?" Zoro asked, with no hint of emotion on his voice.

"Uh it's time to eat. I've been calling you for 5 minutes now." You replied.

"Ok then." He then turns back around to get himself ready.

As you were walking back to the dining area you started thinking if the moss-haired man could harbor any feelings towards you. To you he seemed like he was close to everybody albeit distant. You knew about his friend Kuina and how she died. He spoke so highly of her it seemed like he seemed to have had feelings for her.

You dismissed these thoughts as you went back to the dining room.

"(Y/n}-san did you get Zoro" Sanji asked while looking at you with heart eyes.

"Yeah he should be here in a sec."

After you had finished this sentence Zoro walked in.

"Well it looks like moss-head decided to join us." 

"Hey its not my fault! I somehow ended up in the sick bay." Zoro retorted

"That's just typical of you morimo. You should try and be on time to dinner like the rest of us." 

You knew where this was going. They were going to break out into a fight. You just hope that neither of them would end up throwing punches at each other.

"At least I know how to keep my blood in my nose, Prince Dumbass!"

You could just sit there and watch them start fighting again so you finally spoke.

"Just stop it you two! Why do you guys always have to fight? Zoro you're coming with me. Sanji you go with Nami."

Nami took Sanji to the kitchen, you took Zoro to the crow's nest, and everyone else ate dinner in an awkward silence.

While in the crow's nest you didn't know what to say to Zoro because he genuinely seemed angry. 

"Zoro what's wrong with you you never get this angry with Sanji."

"You wanna know? Well I don't like the way he looks at you. You always take his side when we argue. And besides I see the way you look at him"

You just looked at him confused. "What do you mean? I don't take his side. I just don't take his side when we you two fight. And what do you mean you see how I look at him? I mean he's an idiot, but he's my friend."

Zoro immediately went straight faced after you had said this. "So you don't like Sanji?" He asked while walking closer to you.

"No...  Why?"

At this point Zoro had already backed you up to the wall.

"Why? Because... you're mine."  After he finished this sentence he kissed you.

You were shocked. The man you've liked all for so long was kissing. After you got over you got over the initial shock you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back. He then licked your lip asking for entrance. You teasingly declined entrance. He then bit your lip, and this made you gasp letting him enter your mouth.

You both fight for dominance, but he easily overpowers you. After you guys face battled for a while you two pulled back leaving a string of saliva between you guys. Your face was as red as a tomato while Zoro had a little flush decorating his face.

"So will you be mine?"

"Hmm I'll have to think about it. I'm just kidding, but yes I will be yours."

After you said this you both walked back to the dining hall hand in hand.

A/N: So again I'm sorry if Zoro was OOC. I've never seen One Piece and I don't plan to cause that's a life commitment right there so yeah. There will be one more chapter and you can guess what'll happen. So thanks and I do not own One Piece or the picture.

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