Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Niall's POV:

Oh god. I just saw Harry's.... Ya know.... Oh god he is so hot. I mean, yeah, I've seen him naked before, but this time was different. He seemed kind of embarrassed, and.... HE WAS BLUSHING! It was super cute.

Yes, I said cute. I've kind of had a crush on Harry for a while now. Before you ask, yes, I'm gay. I haven't told the boys yet, I haven't even told my parents yet.

I know that they'd accept me for who I am, but I guess I'm just not ready to tell them yet. I'm not prepared to see if it'll affect how the boys act around me.

If I tell them I'm gay, would they be uncomfortable changing in front of me, or sharing a bed with me when we're on tour? Would they still hug me, or cuddle with me, or hold my hand, or kiss me on the cheek in a friendly way? I have no clue, but I'm not ready to find out.

I sighed happily to myself, remembering his flushed, shocked, embarrassed face, and how could I forget his hot naked body lying there on the ground while his gorgeous green eyes were looking at me? Tell me, if it was you... Would you look away? No. Exactly.

I grabbed my phone, which I came back down to my room to get, and headed back upstairs. I was still hungry even though I already had two bowls of cereal... Curse my fast metabolism. I made two pieces of toast and spread peanut butter on one, and cream cheese on the other.

Once I finished one piece of my toast, Harry shuffled into the kitchen. We made eye contact and he started blushing. Did he maybe like me too?

No, no, no, no. Niall, the sooner you get that thought out of your head, the better. Harry does not like you, or love you the way you love him, and he never will. Harsh, but true. He's straight... He likes girls. Why can't I be a girl?! I wonder what I'd look like with boobs...

I started laughing at the thought, and at how weird I am.

"What, I didn't put my clothes on backwards did I? Wait... Your not laughing at me for what happened this morning are you?! Ugh!" He exclaimed, clearly still embarrassed. His eyes were staring at the ground, refusing to meet mine.

I chuckled again. "No, and no. I'm laughing at something else, just never mind. Don't worry Haz, it's okay! It's not like I've never seen you naked before! I don't get why your so embarrassed!" I told him.

He's been acting different lately, but I try not to think anything of it, besides, it was really cute.

"I-I don't know... Can we just forget about it?" He asked looking up at me.

"Sure thing Haz." I said, with a smile on my face.

He smiled back, his face thankful, but it quickly dropped to confusion as he looked around.

"Where's the boys?" He asked.

"The store, we needed more food." I replied as Harry started looking through the cabinets for something to eat. He nodded and kept looking. He finally settled on a bowl of frosted flakes and sat down next to me.

I finished my toast and he finished his cereal. We washed our plates and then just kind of stood there in an awkward silence for a few seconds before Harry broke it.

"I'm bored and we still have a lot of time before the boys will get back. Knowing them, they're probably going to do a lot more than grocery shopping. Do you wanna watch a movie with me or something?" He smiled gently, with his eyes filled with what looked like hope.

"Yeah! Sure! What movie?" I asked him trying to act normal while walking into the living room with him. But the thing was, I'm not normal right now. I get to watch a movie with Harry... alone! What if it led to cuddling?!

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