Chapter 11

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James sat alone in the pool area while his father was inside having dinner with Edward and Diana. He let Janice and the girls took care of everything and decided to have a little break himself.

His conversation with his dad earlier about reducing his sentence returned in his memory. William had decided to forgive him and wanted to take him home, the decision that James had waited for ages but when the time came, he didn't want it anymore.

His punishment was finally over and he begged to stay. How ironic.

He didn't want to leave yet. He wanted to be with Diana, the conversation with Nana last time made him realise that he had to be here with her to accompany her and to support her. Besides, he started to like Diana and he wanted to know how far she would go with Patrick. He had to be there to protect her if Patrick decided to play her.

"Hey, there you are... " Diana's soft voice startled him.

She was standing not far from him with her robe wrapping her body.

"Miss Ana? It's eleven o'clock already. What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you." She took the next chair, lying down. She was copying him, scanning the black sky above them.

"Looking for me? Do you need anything?"

She shook her head, "No, I was just wondering where you are. You usually tuck me in."

"Oh... " James was out of words. Diana looked so vulnerable in her thin silk robe and she wanted him to tuck her in?

"I am sorry... Let's go then." He was about to get up but she didn't move.

"It's beautiful isn't it? She smiled.

"Yes it is." He was back to his original position, lying flat on the chair to stare at the stars. His new favourite thing to do at night when he had the time.

He thought the night sky represented Diana perfectly. It was stunning yet mysterious that he couldn't predict what was actually there except the dazzling stars.

"Are you okay?" Diana asked, turning her body to her side, her silk robe exposing her curve nicely.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" he ogled her shamelessly.

"You are so quiet lately, you're not sick or upset, are you?"

"No I am not sick or upset." He laughed.

"Are you sure? You've been working hard since you came."

"I am fine Miss Ana."

She nodded slightly, closing her eyes she enjoyed the cold night breeze touch her face. The corner of her robe flipped, uncovering her beautiful long legs.

"James, how long have you been working here?"

"About three months."

"With no day-offs?"

"I am alright."

"Why don't you take some days off?" Diana offered.

"I am fine Miss Ana, don't worry about me." He told her the truth, he was fine, he was more than fine. He didn't have much to do while Diana was at work anyway. He only managed the maids and did some budgeting. Robert's help made him do his work more efficiently that he was still be able to run his company remotely.

"I have to worry about you James. You work the hardest." She sat up, and flicked her hair to her side then playing with it. She looked so elegant under the dimmed light of the swimming pool area that illuminated her slender body from behind and making her glow.

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