Derek Hates Disney (But He Really Doesn't)

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The thing is, Derek Hale has a reputation for being an asshole. He knows he is being one, but its better this way. Everyone across campus knows him as the guy with the dead family, and glares that could turn away a Jehovah Witness's in about two seconds. Derek figures that if everyone just says away from him then the sooner he can finish his degree and leave college.

Derek almost wishes that he had just taken online courses, but the escape from his burnt shell of a home that he cannot live in anymore is a nice break. On breaks, he goes to New York to stay with his sister and he is always relieved when he goes back to school. That doesn't stop Laura from calling every week, and forcing Derek to talk to her for an hour even if it is just about nothing.

Derek Hale has such a reputation of being an asshole, that he has the whole apartment floor to himself. There are four different dorms on one floor, they all share a bathroom with two showers and toilets, and a kitchen. Derek usually just eat at the cafeteria because he hates the smell of comfort foods baking and the sight of fire. He normally just uses the coffee pot, and the fridge to store his growing Diet Dr pepper addiction (His mother adamantly was all for Mr. Pibb while his father drank Dr pepper in secret). Overall it is nice, and quiet.

Until Stiles Stilinski ruins everything.

It one afternoon when Derek comes home from British Literature when he sees the boxes outside the dorm besides his. Derek frowns because boxes means new neighbor, and Derek doesn't really let it bother him because his last neighbor lasted one weekend until he stole one of Derek's coffee cups. Derek wasn't held responsible for his actions towards the thief.

Derek doesn't let curiosity get the best of him before he unlocks his door to slip inside his room to read some Chaucer before his sister's weekly call at exactly seven o'clock at night. Derek reads all he wants to, he decides to take a shower before his sister calls. He grabs his clothes, and he when he makes it outside, he sees that the boxes are gone from sight. Derek is mildly surprised because the guy didn't make a lot of noise to move that many boxes in.

When Derek gets to the bathroom he finds that the other guy has already moved his toiletries into the storage room right next to Derek's. It shouldn't bother him, but it does. It makes it look like he and this guy are friends or dating, and not strangers. Derek fights the temptation to move his things, he doesn't he was here first, but he glares at the shelf the whole time he is the bathroom.

Derek almost misses his sister's call with all his glaring at hair product and shampoo, Derek knows he shouldn't hold grudges against people just because the guy uses the same shampoo as his older brother, and he catches his phone just as it almost goes to voicemail. "Hi, Laura."

"Hey, Der, how's it going?" Laura asks, and Derek knows she wants to know that if he has had any nightmares, is eating properly, sleeping properly, and all that. Derek knows that, he does, but Derek isn't one to talk about his feelings.

"Good." Derek says, and Laura sighs but accepts his answers. Derek bites his lip before telling her about the paper his writing, Laura makes comments when necessary, and Derek hears a loud thud from next door that causing him to sigh in annoyances.

"What was that?" Laura asks, and Derek rubs his eyes with his hand in annoyance.

"Someone just moved in next door." Derek huffs, and he listens but no other noise comes out of the strangers apartment.

"Really? Did you introduce yourself?" Laura asks, and Derek snorts. Laura sighs in defeat before Derek yawns. He tries to muffle it, but Laura hears it loud and clear. "Go to sleep, Derek." Laura says, and she sounds so much like their mother it rubs them both the wrong way.

Derek Hates Disney (Sterek College!AU)Where stories live. Discover now