Concealer and mascara

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So this is a slightly longer part with hacks for concealer and mascara

Concealer life hacks

Th red lipstick concealer. Ok so, if you wear concealer you may (or may not) have realised that it doesnt COMPLETELY cover the dark marks. So what you do is apply some red lipstick as a basecoat before applying concealer. Dont use to much!! rub it in so its basically red smudges then apply the concealer on top. Its honestly works much better than concealer on its own,

Dont apply your concealer in dots! Use triangles (I know. Mad) Instead

DIY  emergency concealer. Oml :D Ok so get a small empty container and put in some face powder that matches your skin tone (obviously) and mix it with face lotion. Mix it together until its the consistency of your concealer. Ta-Dah!

Mascara life hacks

if your mascara gets dry and clumpy, simply boil some water in a cup and put the mascara in there for about 5 minutes and the mascara will be good as new :-)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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