chapter six [edited]

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Hi! Sorry for the waiting, it took me some time to finish this chapter because I was writting another one at the same time... This one is a little longer and I have to say I'm not completly satisfied but I hope you will still like...


Jemma POV

I had a quick shower. Like the bedroom the bathroom was huge, with a big tub in the center and wall-length mirrors arranged in all of the corners, which mean large. After showering I finally changed and went outside to join Lady Sif.

"This dress fits you nicely, Lady Simmons." She said with a smile. She started walking and told me to follow her. We went to a large room with small staircase on the right leading to a balcony which was probably giving a beautiful view over Asgard. In the center of the room was a large white stone table with a buffet on the entire length. Beside there were four men discussing. When they saw me and Lady Sif entering they stopped talking and greeted us.

"Lady Simmons, let me introduce you to Frandal-" Frandal was tall, blond with a big smile on his face. He came to me and kissed my hand.

"It's a pleasure to me you Lady Simmons, you're really stunning." He interrupted Lady Sif. I smiled in response and blushed not being used to compliments.

Lady Sif rolled her eyes at his antics and continued. "Volstagg and Hogun." Volstagg had long red hair and Hogun had long black hair with asiatic features. The two of them bowed their head in greeting.

The last one came to me and introduced himself but I already knew who he was right away: Thor.

"Lady Simmons from the S.H.I.E.L.D, it's a honor to meet you. Lady Sif told me you were part of the team that helped her during her journey on earth." He said with a smile, he was so muscular it was pretty impressive.

"The honor is mine and if I had to talk for the S.H.I.E.L.D, I would say we were happy to help." I said smiling back.

We all seated around the table. Thor started talking about how he met the S.H.I.E.L.D or more specially Coulson.

"After our first encounter when I was sent on Earth by my father. Loki came on Earth on purpose to take the Tesseract, I came back on earth and after some struggle we formed the AVENGERS thanks to Nick Fury and agent Coulson. After the Battle of New York, the Tesseract was returned to Asgard. Sadly we lost Agent Coulson along the way. He was very brave, he died as a hero." He said with a sadness in his voice, I was feeling bad for lying to him.

He then looked at me. "But tell me more about you, Lady Simmons, there must be more about you than being swallowed by a Kree stone. There has to be something special that makes you work for the S.H.I.E.L.D." He continued.

"I started attending the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Science and Technology in 2004, where I met my bestfriend, Leo Fitz who is specialized in engineering. Fitz and I got graduated from the academy three years earlie. I wanted to see more than the inside of a lab, so I convinced Fitz to join a field team." Once I started I couldn't stop myself from talking, it was like lifting a weight from my chest.

"I was recruited as a biochemist to work with a team of four persons," I told him while being careful to exclude Coulson from my story. "we gained an agent in the way and helped people the best we could. Until we realised that the S.H.I.E.L.D was infiltrated by Hydra and everything went pretty bad. A little time after that we learned that one of us was, in fact, one of them. Someone that we trusted for months, that even saved some of our lives, like mine for example, but he was just earning our trust to betray us after and to gain information. When Fitz and I met face to face with him after we discovered he was an Hydra agent, he tried to kill us. We survived but it cost us Fitz being in a coma for nine days and a severe injury when he was awaken, I stayed with the rest of the team to help rebuild the S.H.I.E.L.D. 

But after some time I became aware that my presence was impeding Fitz's healing so I took an undercover assignment to infiltrate HYDRA. When I was uncovered, I escaped thanks to an agent who joined our team after that. When I came back, my friends were still there but my relationship with Fitz was bad, he though I had abandoned him and I can't really blame him for that." I told them looking at my hands. "With time we reformed a team with new agents but things leading to another a war started between us and Inhumans. When the war ended and we won, I got the assignment to examinate a Kree stone, who swallowed me." I finished and looked up at them.

For a few moments everyone looked at me with a strange expression, and then I realised I just told my life to three strangers and a god.

"You've been through a lot, and you are still willing to find your team to help them. You're very brave." Thor said with a little smile.

"Indeed, you're very brave Lady Simmons. Sorry for my curiosity but is there any lover waiting for you or can I take you to the tavern tonight and make you visit Asgard?" Frandal said with a wink.

Volstagg an Hogun groaned, Thor chuckled and Lady Sif rolled her eyes once again. Apparently it wasn't the first time that Frandal had this kind of behavior. But by curiosity everybody eyes laided on me and waited for my answer.

I blushed and without thinking I told them "Maybe there is."

There's nothing to discuss, Jemma.

There's nothing to discuss, Jemma

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Maybe there is.  


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The dinner continued with small talk and a lot of jokes from Volstagg, they were all really nice and welcoming but tiredness gained me and Lady Sif saw it so she excused herself and me and took me to my room once I told everyone goodnight.

Once in front of my room, Lady Sif stopped and looked at me with a smile.

"Who stole your heart Lady Simmons ?"

Before opening the door and going inside I responded. "Fitz. "

She told me goodnight and I did the same before completely closing the door and going to bed.

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