A Night To Remember

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"Is Amy still coming?"Leonard asked Sheldon, breaking the silence. "I believe she is."Sheldon responded, leaving Raj and Howard looking rather perplexed and excitable. "Doesn't she want to hang out with the girls?"Asked Howard, taking a sip from his Jamba Juice. "Well,"Sheldon started, sitting in his spot on the couch. "I invited her, and she didn't reject the invite." Raj's facial expression had turned from causally jolly into sad and disappointed. "What about... but... it's Halo night!"Groaned Raj, waiting for somebody to agree with his point. Obviously, everybody else had forgotten about Halo night. "C'mon, Raj, we can miss Halo night just this once."Howard responded, causing everybody else except Raj to nod in agreement. Raj said nothing, and sighed as he looked sadly towards the floor. "When was your last girlfriend-boyfriend night?"Leonard asked, but not specifically directing the question at anybody in particular, causing slight confusion. "Last night. Emily wanted to watch this really disgusting film and it creeped me out."Raj said, looking disturbed by his memories. "I was talking to Sheldon..."Leonard frowned. "Date nights aren't on Wednesdays. Wednesday is Halo night."Sheldon said, looking concerned as if to say 'What planet are you on, Leonard?' "Couldn't you have-"Started Leonard, regretting saying anything along these lines as Sheldon looked up at him oddly. "Never mind."

Eventually, when it was dinner time, Amy showed up. Everyone was gathered around the coffee table, ready to eat the takeout pizza they had just got. Raj grabbed the first slice in an instant, causing everybody to look at him in disappointment. "What?"He said, deeply delving his teeth into the thick layer of cheese and pizza base. "I'm starving."He said shortly after, with his mouth full. Everybody else soon got stuck in to their food, and once that had happened, an awkward silence remained. "So..."Leonard looked around in an awkward manner as everybody looked up at him when he broke the silence. "I was thinking we could go out over Raj's place. Give Sheldon and Amy some quality time together as a couple."Leonard spoke, Raj squinting his eyes in disbelief. "Sure, take advantage of the Indian guy."Raj said, nodding his head at Leonard. "That doesn't seem like a bad idea."Howard responded, ignoring Raj. "Ugh, fine. But next time, we take advantage of the little guy."Raj smiled sarcastically at Howard. "Let's go."Leonard got up, leading the others with him and all that was left in the room was Sheldon and Amy.

There was silence for quite some time after the others left. Once Sheldon and Amy had both finished their dinner, they began to start conversation. "How's your recent experiment going?"Sheldon asked. "Great, thanks. What about your's?"Amy responded. "Fine."Sheldon said, with a feeling he had created an awkward silence once again. This time, though, it didn't last long. "I feel like i'm ready for more." Sheldon said, abruptly. "More of what?"Amy asked, confused by his words. "Our relationship."Amy was shocked. "What do you mean, Sheldon?"She tried to hide her excitement, calming herself by taking deep breaths, still wondering if Sheldon might be tricking her or ready to say something stupid.But he didn't. He simply kissed her with passion and suddenly reached his arm out behind him. Only to pull out a box, delicately decorated with a ribbon. He pulled off the lid, and my couldn't believe her eyes. Sheldon got down on one knee, slightly awkwardly. He smiled widely and said "Amy Farrah Fowler,"Amy gasped, putting her hand to her mouth. "Will you marry me?"

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