Chapter one Moving with a problem

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"Dad,mom I got the last box to put in the truck!" I said holding the box above my head.
"Ok say bye to the house and get in the truck and make sure you lock up I'll be in the car" my dad said closing the door behind him.

"Bye home I'm gonna miss you" I said walking out the door locking it behind me.

"Mini come on girl get In the car " I said patting my leg for her to sit down. yes I have a dog. It's a labor doodle. Name mini short for minitrupe

6 hours later

We arrive at the new house.
It's really big by big I mean big. It's  as big as a mansion.

I grab mini and put her in the back yard.
And also mini is a puppy.

I walk into the room I want . I see that the window is across from someone else's window. I look to see a boy with a girl making out.
I scrunch my nose and close the curtain.

"Hey honey can you come down stairs I need you to help me with some boxes!" my mom said smiling at me.

"Ok mom where are they" I said opening the door reveling I woman probably late 20s or early 30s with long beautiful brown hair and blue eyes and a man same age as the woman with dirty blond hair and grey eyes
And a boy probably my age with floppy brown hair and greenish blue eyes and
Wait he is the guy I saw making out with that girl.

"Hello" I said with a smile looking at all of them

"He-" the woman said but my mom cut her off screaming.
"Honey did you get the boxes yet!"

"No not yet!"  I said screaming back at her

"Why not!" She said walking towards me
"Because there are some people here" I said.

"Oh hi" she said smiling.

"Hello you must be ms.levin" the woman said holding out her hand.
"Yes you must be the neighbor" my mom said shaking the woman's hand.

"Yes this is my husband Jason
And my son Alexander" I Shake'd both of there hand but when I shake'd Alexander's he didn't let go I had to pull my hand away. I walked away but he grabbed my ass causing me to squeal.
"Honey are you ok" my mom asked with a bit of concern in her eyes.

"Yes mom I'm fine I thought there was a bug on me" I said with a smile on my face.

"Ok why don't you show this young man around and while your at it call your dad" she said looking at Alexander and then back at me .
I nodded and walked upstairs Alex followed right behind me we walked down the hallway. He pushed me against the wall and whispered in my ear
"Your pretty".

I pushed him away and slapped him in the face.
While he rubbed his cheek I tried to run but he quickly grabbed my hand and pinned me on the wall and kissed me. I tried to push him away but he just kept kissing me until someone cleared there throat I turned to see who it is and its my mom.
Oh thank god it wasn't my dad he would've killed him
My mom had a huge smile on her face I looked at her with confused written all over my face.

"I came to see what was taking so long and I come to see this sooooo ..............." She said I thought
Oh no
"VIOLET!" My mom said screaming running down stairs
"Shit" I muttered to my self

I ran after my mom but she was already talking to
Violet (a.k.a Alexander's mom)
Violet looked at me with a smile placed on her face.
"FINALLY HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Violet said screaming. I think my dad could've heard it.

"Who has a girlfriend" a familiar voice said.
I turned around to see
Oh shit
My dad

"Your daughter" Violet  said
My dad turned to me in confusion.
"Your lesbian" My dad said
"No honey she's someone's girlfriend" My mom said giggling.

"That's way worse I would've liked her to be lesbian" My dad said with a serious face.

Me and my mom burst out laughing. He looked at us with confusion written on his face.

"" I said in between laughs
"Dad I'm not dating no one" I said to him he looked relieved.

"Then why were you-" My mom said but I cut her off by saying
"Mom it was a prank right Alex" I said giving him a look that says unless-you-don't-want-to-die-I-suggest-you-play-along.

"Yeah it was a mind trick that I could show all of you again" He said as he smirked when I have him a death glare.

"Oh yes I would love to see this mind trick" My dad said.
"And I would love to show you come her Lexi" he said
I walked closer he closed his eyes and leaned over.
I grabbed the dog and made the dog kiss him.
He opened his eyes and backed away quickly.

I laughed with everyone else. As he walks out and leaves
And I say
"What no goodbye!" I Yelled as he walked out the door.

"Well I must go and calm him down come on honey" violet says breaking the laughter.

"Bye" me,my mom,and dad say in unison.

"Who were they" my dad said questioning.
"I'll tell you later, Lexi go upstairs and go get ready for bed, and pack up the rest of your things" My mom said walking to the kitchen.

"Alright goodnight" I said walking Up stairs.

I took a quick shower
Changed into my clothes
And brushed my teeth.

I'll just unpack tomorrow.
I laid in bed and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


A picture of Lexi
Played by
Barbara palvin
Peace ✌🏼️

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