Chapter 1

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I sit in silence watching her brush her hair through the mirror.

Char Minnie Cruz. 20 years young. Cocoa colored skin. Quiet until you get to know her or pull her trigger. A bit bipolar. When it comes to people, she's fearless. Despite the fact that she plays hard, she's very soft inside. Trust isnt her strong suit.

"Yeah girl. I'll be over later. Let me know when you out of school." She leans over to her vanity table and picks up a bottle of perfume, spraying it three times before setting it back down.

"No. I'm not coming today. I've got family stuff to handle." She stands causing the chair to scratch on the floor. "I know it's my fifth day out, I just- I have a lot on my plate right now." Opening her closet door with her foot, she blows her wet nails. "No. It's not...-"

My phone vibrates in my pocket, breaking my stare and concentration. Pulling it out, I hear Char hanging up the phone and sighing.

Text from Boss Ladiee (Kamri): Aye, it's been a week. You happen to have completed the mission yet?

Me: Nah, it's a lot going on. I'm working though. Studying her now. Trying to stage the perfect crime.

Kamri: -_- It's been about ten months. Yunno, there is a reason I call you Prodigy. You used to never have a problem killing someone. What happened to that Prod? You're slacking. Come see me later and we can talk more, but as for now, I have a meeting to get to. Holaa back. Collins out.

I exit my messages with Kam and place my thumb over my messages with the twins.

To: Jazzy Wazzy and RiRi Crazzi

Me; Jazlyn and Ria,

I need advice...

Jazlyn: Waddup doe?

Ria: Wassup Broskie?

Me; Okay, So... If you've been in love for over a month, how would you take it to the next level with that person?


Ria: No fool! It's DEFINITELY NOT Kamri. Better not be... If it is, you dumb... J/S

Me: Yo, thats not hte answer I asked for...

Me: the*

Jaz: Well, you ask her out... If you havent already... Then you tell her how you feel, and how long you've been feeling this way...

Jaz: (Ri?)

Ria: ...

Me: RI!

Ria: Sorry. I was thinking and you make it clear how far you wanna take things. If she doesnt accept, dont give up on her. It'll draw her further away.

Me: Hmmm, thanks.


Ria: -_- stay out the man bunniss yo.

Jaz: I WAS TALKING TO CRAIG! So shut up and eat yo noodles foo!

Ria: -_________- Why are you watching me eat? You KNOW I hate that.

Jaz: ;D Love you too sis. <3

Ria: Bye Prod.

Me: :'D Bye Thugglucious.

Ria: *peaces sign*

Jaz: Soooo... Who is ittttt?

Me: -_- Bye Jazlyn.

Jaz: ): fine. Be that way.

I laugh to myself and hit the sleep button on my phone. Rubbing the mouse on my MacBook Pro, I adjust my position in my chair.

"Time for notes." I mumble to myself and type in my password.

As I watch the minute circle spin on the screen, I look over and notice the red light flashing on my security camera.

"What the-?" I push the button on top of my TV and see several guys in all black suits, most likely cops, race up the stairs with machine guns toward my hide out. I struggle to get all my stuff put away, hiding them in the secret compartments in the walls. "Come on.. Come ON!" I whisper yell at the remote to the walls. "Never works when I need it!" I hit it one good time and thank God under my breath.

The thuds of their footsteps get closer and I rush to grab my Mac. "Think think!" I look around the room for somewhere to hide, then hit my forehead. "Stupid. You can teleport or suntin."

The door to the room busts open and the first officer looks directly at me. "Shit." I mumble, then yell as loud as I can. "CARRY OUT!"

The officers look at me, then around the room to the blank copy paper beginning to fly around on the floor. They all look up at me in fear as I feel it happening.

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