Baby Project

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"Jake get out of my room! I am trying to sleep!" I yelled at one of my step brothers. "You have to get up Shea, we have school. It's this place we have been going to since the end of August." It was now October, butt I was in one of my funks. I get like this a lot, depressed. I know why I just don't want to talk to anyone about it. "And take a shower, you smell." He said as he walked out the door. Wow thanks for the confidence boost buddy.

Five minutes later I am being pulled out of my bed by strong arms. He took me into the bathroom. "Either you take a shower yourself or I help you. Your choice." I stayed silent. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to talk, and I didn't want to go to school. School is where it all happened.

It felt weird that Noah was undressing me. But he's my step brother so I guess it's okay. I felt totally comfortable with Noah. I always tell him how I feel, except when I am depressed.

He knows me so well, he dressed me in a pair of leggings and one of his sweaters. I think he even sprayed it with his cologne. This happens often so I guess he should know what to do.

Slowly I wrapped my arms around him, "Thank you." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me lifting me off the ground, cause he is half a foot taller than me, and squeezed me back. I wrapped my legs around him and he grabbed out back packs and went out to the car. Sometimes when he did this for me I felt like a monkey, like someone should hand me a banana or something.

The oldest of me and my siblings is Stephanie she is 18 almost 19. Me and Ginny are twins, but I skipped a grade so I'm a senior as well as Stephanie, Noah, Brian and Jake. Ginny and Georgia are juniors as well as Wesley.

Noah and I are best friends.

Brian and Georgia are best friends.

Wesley and Ginny are best friends.

And Stephanie and Jake are best friends.

It's funny because we are all opposite. I am quiet and shy, Noah is brave and out spoken. Georgia is smart and likes to read a lot, Brian hates school and likes to play video games all the time. Ginny is outgoing and speaks her mind, Wesley keeps to himself most of the time. Stephanie is a good girl, and Jake likes to cause trouble. But opposites attract I guess.

As we pulled up to the school I could feel my anxiety rising. I hate the people here, they are all jerks. They are the reason I am so messed up, well not entirely them.

Noah helped me down from his truck and walked with me into the school. We had every other class together.

First I have English not with Noah.
Second I have Study with him.
Third I have Psychology with Stephanie and Jake.
Fourth I have Home Economics with Noah, Wesley, Jake, Stephanie, Ginny, Georgia, and Brian.
Fifth I have an internship in the Jr high.
Sixth I have math with Noah, Jake and Brian.
Seventh I have Study again, with Brian and Jake.

I'm not completely alone in my other classes but sometimes it feels like it.

In English we are starting a new novel. I wasn't paying much attention to the title. I was more focused on what the October air was doing to the leaves. My birthday is in a few weeks, I'll be seventeen. "Shea, can I see you after class?" My English teacher Mr. MacDegon asked me. I just nodded my head not taking my eyes off of the window.

"Shea, what's going on with you? Your usually the most attentive child in my class. And I've noticed that this happens often." My teacher said as soon as all the others were gone. "I'm just depressed." He nodded his head. "Do you want to talk to anyone? I'm going to force you, but I think it would be a good idea, before it gets worse." I cleared my throat, "Thanks but I don't really like to talk to people about the things I am depressed about." I told him.

My next class was in the library. Besides being able to eat outside during lunch, the library was my favorite. We had a huge library, you could probably get lost in it. The best part about it was the secret window. I had to climb to it but once I was up there I could see everything.

Noah joined me at the window, "Can you at least tell me kind of why you are upset?" He said staring at me. "Promise you won't tell me to get over it or not listen to people?" He nodded his head scooting closer.

He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a tight black t-shirt that showed off his muscles.

"I keep having flash backs of the past, things are haunting me in my sleep and I can't sleep anymore. And I can't get what people have said to me out of my head."

"Tonight I'll sleep in your room and we can watch movies and have a good time. I've just got a few things to do during the day but tonight I am all yours."

"Dont stop your life for me Noah, I'll be fine, plus it's the weekend, don't you have some fancy party to go to?"

"Nope, tonight it's just you and me babe."

I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat when he called me babe. He leaned against the wall and I could see every outline of his muscles on his upper body. Shea stop this is wrong. You can't check out your step brother.

It was now fourth period and we are starting a new project. My teacher calls it The Baby Months. The first month you will be doing paper work and wearing a fake baby belly. We will have fake jobs, and fake bills to pay. The second month we get a baby doll with monitors in them.

"I choose partners for you, and you will be fake married to them." I prayed that I got one of my step brothers and not one of the other jerks.

"Stephanie and Jake."

"Brian and Georgia"

"Wesley and Ginny."

"Shea and Noah."

I was nearly jumping out of my seat. Noah looked over at me and smiled. "Now here is a list of jobs, find out which one you want to interview for and we'll settle that tomorrow. So wear the appropriate clothing for the desired interview."

We were all now in lunch and discussing which job we want. "I think I want to be a CEO." Brian said. "I want to be a military guy. It'll be cool cause I'll get to do an obstacle course during the period." Noah said. "Me too." Wes agreed. "I want to be an actress." Steph said. "Ima be a tattoo artist." Jake said. "I want to be a singer." Georgia said, she does have the voice for it. "I think I want to be one of those people who do the piercings!" Ginny said. "I want to be a teacher." I said. "We all are going to have cool jobs and then there's little Shea, a teacher."

Noah protectively wrapped an arm around me, "Dont talk about my wife like that, if she wants to be a teacher then let her be a teacher." He said then laughed. I just put my head in my arms on the table. Not because I was embarrassed, but because I was blushing. The butterflies in my stomach were caused by Noah calling me his wife.

There really is no place like home. I walked up to my room, which was on the third floor and started to do my homework.

I was finished with my homework by the time supper was ready. Wes came and got me and gave me a piggy back ride down to the kitchen.

"So you are all fake married to each other?" My father asked me. We all nodded our heads. "For the next two months yes." Noah told them. "Well then we should make this exciting!" My dad said. I could see Cassidys eyes sparkling. "We have a guest house, two apartments, and another house across town. Depending on the jobs you get you will all get one of those to live in for the next two month." He said. My jaw dropped. Living on our own? "What ever your job pays we will pay you and you'll get to see what living on your own is like."

"But every Sunday you will come home for dinner!" Cassidy said and we all laughed.

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