Chapter 4

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- Tyler -

I was just sitting in 1st period now when I looked up and that hot ass new boy was talking to the teacher then in a hot ass accent that sounded like a mix between Aussie and South African, said "I'm an ice?" Though it sounded like a question cause he was probably nervous.

Then when the teacher told him to take a seat, I smirked remembering that the only open seat was next to me. The boy must have realized that to cause when he did, he gulped and took a deep breath as he started walking to me.

As he sat down I got a whiff of his cologne. He even smells gorgeous.

Once he was settled in, I turned to him so I could get to know more about this boy. While he didn't seem to notice that I turned, I decided to take in his angelic features.

His eyes. I mean damn, those eyes are like the bluest blues out of all the blues. They are so beautiful. There's no other way to describe them. Then the way his nose gently slopes down to the curl of his lips. His lips look so kissable with how naturally red they are and big and poofy probably from being bitten.

He must have felt my stare then cause he finally turned his head to me and blushed a little under my gaze.

"Hey," he said in that incredible accent again. "Hi," I said a little breathless.

"What's your name? I'm Troye with an 'e'." He said as he stuck out his hand. "I'm Tyler, Troye with an 'e'. Nice to meet you, cutie." I said with a sly wink. He once again just blushed as I took his delicate hand and shook it.

His hands are so soft, I thought to myself as he let go.

Then the teacher started to drone on about the first day of school stuff, rules, blah blah blah. It was soooo boring. Finally, the bell rang and I though of an idea.

I turned to Troye and said, "Hey, what do you have next?" He look over his schedule and then turned to me to say, "Drama, you?"

"Great I have drama to so I can take you there! You know...if you want me to?" I said back but added the last part as an after thought cause I didn't want to come off as desperate.

"Yeah, sure, that would be great!" Said hot Aussie boy as we walked out of the classroom and I walked him to drama. I wonder if he is any good?

Opposites (Troyler AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin