The News

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 Journal # 1
It hit me like a rock against the head, the news the doctor told me that I had terminal illness and I would not survive so what I did was write this journal on what I did for the remainder of the life I have.


 I sat at the table where I usually sat and thought the hours away and wondered what I'd be able to do before I stopped moving all together. I breathed in and felt relieved that I was going to die and let it out I wondered if I'd feel any pain when I die...when my  uncle passed he looked relived when he died

I wanted to know what he was thinking when he passed holding onto my hand, I felt his existence melting away like ice on a hot day, I was happy that he wasn't in anymore pain now that he's gone  I kind of miss him but missing someone would only bring sorrow to my heart.

 I sat there, took another breath and let it out and stared at the scenery of a grass plain with trees so tall it looked like it reached up to the clouds, I stood up and walked to the window  and noticed that snow was beginning to fall I felt the chills and went to the fire place to warm up. When a knock on the door came ringing to my ear I stood up and went to check who it was I reached for the handle and turned it. 

I opened it up only a little and there stood a young girl that I did not know and plus I lived here alone in the woods. And the doctors come only once a month so...

"Hello" I said in an quiet voice she turned her head to the tiny crack and looked at me 

I have to admit that I've never seen anyone travel this far into the mountains other than the doctors 

"Hello" she said in an even toned voice I was a bit surprised at first I opened the door a bit more so I could get a better look at her she wore a thick jacket that must have been comfortable for her. She had thick hazel-nut colored hair and brown eyes it looked as if she had freckles on her nose. She had her hands in her pockets but then took them out to make a gesture of shaking hands.

"I'm your new care-taker I'm here to help you during your last days my name is Sarah. Sarah Williams..."I opened the door fully and looked at her hand I saw her more clearly she was a beautiful woman about 5'4-5 (I could tell because I'm 6'0-5...) I looked at her and took her hand shook it and thought...

' man she's beautiful'

"Why thank you"

' she must be an amazing person '

"Ah thank you sir people say that I have a big beautiful heart."

' Man I wish she could be my gi... hold on? how can she hear everything I'm saying?!'

"Because you talk out loud when you think sir."she giggled and I thought for a second then my face flushed red

"I'm so sorry miss I couldn't hear myself so I must of said it out loud! (I do that a lot sometimes I always talk out load whenever I think of something.) Deep into my thought I forgot about Sarah she stood there quietly in the door looked around then back at me her hazel nut eyes looked at me with much patience. I dismissed the thought and looked at her I forgot the most important thing to ask a woman...

"Would you like to come in?" I asked hoping that I was forgiven for leaving her outside she smiled and said in a calming voice
"why yes please and thank you" I posted myself against the door so I could let her past.

I closed the door behind me and helped her take off her jacket "make your self at home miss" I said showing her a sofa in front of the fire place she nodded with a smirk her pink lips curling upward like an Arabian bow. She sat down on the chair.

"What a lovely little house of yours... I certainly do love the scenery" she said while looking out the window I smiled.

"Would you like something warm to drink miss?" I asked

"Why yes please and thank you" I smiled thinking about her nice mannerisms I had a few of my own as well.

"Were you in the military?" She asked from the living room her voice thick with an French accent "yes I was in the military I'm ex military now I left it though." thinking about when I was still in the military while I took the hot drinks in hand and walked into the living room "I enjoyed it I was an Ranger at the time so I was in a lot of danger... a lot of it" I gave her the cup and she gladly took it "and why did you leave it? "
"Because of several incident that happened..." he recalled what had happened "that day" when all his comrades but him didn't survive he was the last of his platoon.

A single tear came streaming down his face as his memories came back to how his comrades... his brothers each died the yelling he heard while each one died doing the routine mission... the heroic deeds to serve the nation they live on today.

He saw Ava shift forward in her chair and reached out her hand and put it on his he looked at her and looked into her eyes and saw that they weren't brown...but blue he felt her squeeze his hands. He twisted his hands backwards so he could feel her warmth in the palm of his hand. They both looked at they're hands then at each other they both felt a strong connection to each other.

That night they could understand and feel what was happening outside the crickets and the birds chirping away they're songs the rustling of a neighboring fox or badger or even a brown bear or two the stillness of the night and the sound of the water blended as they sat through the night. The News of his death far behind them. While the night sky took over and all was calm and quiet.

I'm sorry everyone this story is absolutely cheesy and I get you  I'm still learning how to tell stories if you guys have any suggestions put them in the comment and I'll see what I can do. \(^w^)/

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