The Feeling's Mutual

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Smol's POV
As soon as we walk off of the plane and into the airport, Jacob literally sweeps me off of my feet, carrying me bridal style to a Starbucks. I laugh and he smiles with me, making my heart leap.

"Okay, so, I like totally looooove Starbucks," Jacob says in a really feminine voice. "Like Oh M G I am totally getting a Venti Java Chip frappe." As he sets me down, I'm too busy dying of laughter to read the menu.

The lady behind the counter impatiently clears her throat, signaling for me to stop laughing and order. I order the same thing as Jacob, and after some arguing, he pays the lady.

"No I wanted to pay, Jacob!" I complain in a baby like voice. He sticks out his tongue and shakes his head tauntingly.

"Na-na-nuh boo boo, I win you lose!" He chants just as soon as we get the drinks. He hands me my cup and we walk away laughing, hands clasped together.

Eventually, and not quick enough, we make it out of the airport into the humid yet refreshing air. As soon as we get out, I pull out my phone, which has already been switched to an American phone plan.

"IM IN ARIZONA" I type, excited for their reactions, especially Mish's. After a minute of no response, i shove my phone in my pocket, and walk over to Jacob. We sit on the curb and wait for our families to pick us up. Soon enough, my phone dings and I quickly pull it out.

"I can't wait to meet you, Smol!!!!" Mish replys, making me smile.

"Awe why are you so happy?" Jacob asks me, putting his arm over my shoulder and plants a kiss on my neck.

"My friend texted back, that's all. I finally get to meet her and I'm so excited." He smiles and kisses my lips, with me returning the favor.

"I'm glad that you're happy. I love seeing you smile. And hearing your laugh. And staring into your eyes." I blush and shift in my stance, giving him a quick peck on the lips. I can't wait to introduce him to Mish.
Mish's POV
"Omg omg. So I'm driving to my new house rn" I read Smol's text and smile. She wasn't thrilled to come to Arizona at first. She hated the fact. But she got so excited and happy when she heard that I will live not too far from her. I have some hope.

"That's amazing Smol. I'm so glad that you're happy. I can't wait to see you." I text to her, completely ignoring the Sminy comments in the background.

"I can't wait either. I can introduce you to Jacob. My boyfriend." And again, my heart drops 20feet, along with my smile. I knew this would happen. I knew this already happened. But the thought was so horrible. "Ok I gotta go pee. Ttyl"

I sigh and slowly slide down in my bed, breathing once I realize I hadn't been. I shut my eyes and rub my forehead. But I get a text from Smol, so I shoot up and look at my phone.

"Hello... Mish? Well this is Isobel's BOYFRIEND. So I want you to stop talking to her. Now. You are going to turn her away from me. And I hate anyone who stands in my way. So stop. You and your lesbian crush on her. I hate you for even trying. Ok thanks. Bye." After that private message to me, he has probably deleted the text from Smol's phone so she can't see. But for me, it's still there. Out in the open. Slowly killing me on the inside. Infuriated, I slowly type back a small sentence, showing him how I feel.

"The feeling's mutual."

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