Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

We all followed Zayn toward Samantha's room. We had passed about at least one hundred rooms, all the same white with glossy, brown, chestnut doors accompanied with a brass handles and a single rectangle window on each. I kept my gaze on the door numbers we passed trying not to think about the situation too much.

103..... 105..... 107....

Taking a right.

159...... 161..... 163..... 165...

The numbers kept going until Liam stopped us at number 191. This was the last room at the end of the hall and a window by the door I guess she had a bigger room than other patients. Meaning she was to be staying here awhile or Simon payed extra for her comfort, to not have a million dollar lawsuit on his hands.

We all peeked through the window that was blocked with blinds, but you could see inbetween them, to see the girl Niall hit. The Bed was sideways with a moitors around it. She was sat upright on the bed clutching her stomach crying. You could barely see her face in between her blonde locks and the white bandage wrapped around her head, but you could definatly tell she sobbing. A lot actually.

"Guys don't spy on her!" Louis said completely serious which is wierd because he easdrops and spyies on us all the time. I just shrugged it off.

"I, I can't do this" we whipped our heads to see a Niall on the verge of tears. We knew he was trying to choke them back but It was to no good. Liam took him in hug and rubbed his back for a second.

"Look Niall we will be there with you, ok? You need to own up to this." Zayn said who was now inbetween him and I.

"Cm'mon Nialler, It's going to be fine the nurse back there... ugh Melissa... said she would be fine to see us. I think she just needs a Horan hug!" Louis said a little more peppy than the rest of us.

" I can start the talking if you need me to." I said a little quieter than Louis did while scratching the back of my neck and forced a small smile.

Niall pulled out his phone and looked at the time I suppose or a tweet, I don't know. "Lets just go. I can't take it any longer." Niall said gesturing to room number 191.

I nodded and knocked on the door waiting a few moments and opened it without an answer. I held the door open as the rest of us walked into her room. I don't even think she heard us come in, she was in the same position and kept crying. When we shuffled in we kept our distance a little away from her as we didn't really want her to be startled.

Right when I was about to be the first one to speak Liam walked over to her and embraced her into a hug. She first flinced and looked up at all of us then stared at Liam. She looked confused and in pain, but resumed crying on his shoulder anyways.

"It'll be all alright, ok babe? Just relax and we will get through this together." He cooed in her hair toward her ear and she silently cried becoming less and less, as we stood their and watched them. I walked away and grabbed a tissue for her and softly handed to her. She just looked at me and took it, as I held a small smile on my lips.

Just that small milisecond she looked at me I realized I have seen this girl before. A concert? Was she a fan? At a club? Maybe one of my old friends' cousin or sister? Charity convention?Or maybe a girl I got rejected by or a one nightstand?I hope it wasn't one of those. I have no idea but is just at the tip of my tounge, jeez this is going to annoy the shit out of me ... why can't I remeber?

Liam slowly stood up getting off the bed to stop hugging and comforting her. She smiled a tad and nooded. For a second she just stared at the five of us in total confusion and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I thought I was hit by one boy, not five." she said completely confused.

"Um yeah that was me." Niall siad stepping closer "I'm more than sorry. Actually sorry is an understatement, I'm just really lost for words, I can't tell you how guilty I am for this and taking full responsibility for this, I have been worried an awful lot for the past 2 hours right now I'm glad your still alive!" Niall said. It was quite heartbreaking actually, Niall was saying everything right but I just don't know what to say or do. I wonder If she is a forgiving person or not. A tear rolled down his cheek, I came to him and threw an arm around him giving him a reassuring squeze.

"Ow!" she whimpered as all of us looked like we just saw a ghost or something. What were supposed to do? She just kept holding her lower stomach whimpering. At first when I saw her crying, though the blinds, I thought she was holding her rib or something but this seemed much worse.

"Whats wrong?" Niall said coming to the bedside, completely worried.

"Uh just- just some cramps" she said trying to a like it was nothing but her face was completely washed over with fear. I don't know... I'm pretty bad at judging someone by their eyes, so maybe I'm just over-exageraing.

"Oh thank goodness." we all said in unison

We kinda just stood there in awkward silence. Louis and Zayn were mesmerized, it was kinda funny actually. I waved arms in their faces and they didn't rip their eyes off of... Samantha? They were probably looking at her in pity... Or oh, hold the phone do they have a crush on the same girl? Awh cute, well this will get interesting.  

"Can - can I have a hug?" She said looking at us we all nooded and one by one we gave her a hug each. Louis was the last one one and he hugged her longer than the rest of us. When he let go she took Niall and Liam's hand in each of hers

"I don't know any of you, and can barely see anyone here, and that scares me, but I have just had a long day and really needed that-"

"No need to appologise. Oh sorry you weren't done... carry on..." Zayn cut in and stuttered. I chuckled a little because well he's been doing that all day today it seems like. She smiled and kept going.

"And that I feel already a little better with all of you around me. Today has been really overwhelming and I need to lay on it and think, but if you could all just come back tomorrow that would be amazing."

"Of course love. See you tomorrow." Louis said and we all gave her a kiss on the bandages wrapped around her head, said our good byes and left.

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