The Story

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Adelaide felt as if the world were on her shoulders as she watched her parents murmur to each other on her fathers bed. Her father had become gravely ill within the last week and yesterday the Doctor had just announced he only had weeks to live.

She placed her hand on her chest as she felt her heart ache for both of her parents. For her father because he was soon to be parted from them, and for her mother because without either of them being married they were no longer financially secure.

If only she had a brother or even a kind cousin, but she did not. Instead she had the dreadful Mr Bartholomew Barnwall her only cousin, the inheritor of her father's estate. He had made it clear some years ago that when her father died he would have everything. If she was not married by that point they would get a mere 500 pounds a year. Everyone had presumed by the time of her father's death, Adelaide would indeed be married, and her husband would ensure that Adelaide and her mother's money was rightfully distributed between them. Now it seemed Adelaide and her Mother would be out on their own without a proper penny to their name.

Adelaide observed her Mother and father as they sat together speaking about a letter which had just arrived. She was curious at what the contents of the letter could be because of the relief yet nervousness which passed through their faces.

"Adelaide dear, your father and I must speak with you, come here," spoke Mrs Annesly. Adelaide gingerly got to her feet and slowly made her way to the side of the bed. Mr Annesly opened his mouth to speak but a rough cough ripped from his throat. Mrs Annesly passed him a drinking glass. After a handful of sips, he turned again to Adelaide.

"Adelaide, I'm going to be blunt with you darling. I am extremely fearful of what may happen to you and my wife after I pass away," He turned to Mrs Annesly and she gave him an encouraging nod. "We love you very much and we want you to be happy," He started coughing again so Mrs Annesly started to speak.

"We have received a letter from Mr and Mrs Stanton, they have heard of our predicament and they have offered a union between our families through the marriage between you and young Mr Stanton, they will be arriving soon." Adelaide felt her breath catch in her throat and felt as if the walls were caving in on her, she heard voices but couldn't hear what they were saying. She felt two hands grasp her shoulders and this dragged her from her moment of shock and panic.

Adelaide found herself sat in the drawing room, her back straight, green eyes sparkling with defiance and brown hair pulled from her face. She couldn't believe that she was to marry the man she has been in love with her whole life. The boy whom made her laugh after getting into trouble with her parents for being her mischievous self. Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and their butler walking into the room. "Mr Stanton, Mrs Stanton and Mr Stanton," He announced. Her mother shot her a warning look before putting a smile onto her face to welcome the guests. Mrs Stanton walked in with a huge smile on her face and started gushing about how beautiful the house looked. She was obviously the one whom instigated this mess. Mr Stanton, the neighbourhood's gentle giant, walked in and bowed to Adelaide and her Mother. Adelaide held her breath for the seconds it took for the last Stanton to walk into the room. All thoughts of defiance flew out the window when she saw his brown eyes and deep brown hair. He bowed quickly, not even making eye contact before standing beside his parents. He simply stood there, not speaking nor smiling, just frowning. This was very different from his soft manner and charming smiles.

Adelaide felt deeply put out be his behaviour, at least he could pretend to be happy to make this easier for them both. Her attention was pulled from his handsome face to her Mother's voice "Adelaide, why don't you show Mr Stanton the sweet little garden you've been working on. Barbara will accompany you". Adelaide put on a sweet smile for her mother before turning to George "Shall we?" He nodded and followed her from the room, Barbara her maid trailing behind them.

As they walked through the Garden she attempted to talk to him, but he continuously answered with stilted replies. She was becoming more frustrated with him until she couldn't handle his cold conduct. "Mr Stanton, is this situation so unbearable that you now hate me?" George stopped walking, his eyes widened and his mouth ajar.

"Miss Annesly, I apologise for giving you that impression, I do not hate you," he spoke calmly but his eyes were nervously darting around, refusing to look her in the eye. This answer did not satisfy Adelaide's need to understand his behaviour or this situation, she feared that she would be forced into a marriage where the feelings were not mutual.

"I'm sorry, I can't help but think that you feel some sort of resentment for this situation," she started "I'm sorry that I'm not like other girls." Her voice had started to crack as she finished her sentence. George took her hands and looked her in the eye.

"I would never want you to be like other girls, I have never felt anything for any other person." Adelaide was lost for words she wanted to cry with relief but also sob with embarrassment. George held her gaze for a long time, just looking at her with an unreadable expression.

"Contrary to what you may believe, I was the one who broached the idea of us being married to my parents. I have hade feelings for you for quite some time." She stood back from him tears forming in her eyes, a small hysterical giggle passed through her lips.

"Mr Stanton... George, I believe that I share the same sentiments towards you," another giggle passed through her lips, "My how many times I have dreamt of this conversation."

They looked into each other's eyes, both smiling brightly. They went to hug one another but were interrupted.

"Miss! Miss Annesly that is not appropriate please stop!" Barbara yelled, panicked, from some distance back. Adelaide felt her cheeks heat up, she looked up to see George smiling down at her.

"Let us go back and celebrate with our families, I must talk with your father," he rested his hand on her back and guided her towards the house "You and your mother will be taken care of by my family and I, you will get all of the love and attention you need." She thanked him profusely and finally started to relax, her parents would be happy that she was happy and she was now content that her father would no longer have to worry about leaving them with nothing. For the first time this week she felt a wave of happiness wash over her as she and her Fiancé made their way back to their families.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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