Rebel One - 5

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I slowed my breathing out of habit though I can't say the same for Lacey. Her breathing could easily be heard coming out in quick; I wasn't sure if that was from the running or the possible fear she was going through. She mentioned dancing, so should have good cardio, yeah? I don't know much about that.

With my head turned slightly to the side, I could just see outside of the corner we'd taken refuge in. Their low threats they were muttering to each other were audible from where we were. Lacey must have heard because I felt her hands brush against my chest and clutch onto my shirt. Okay, definitely short breaths due to fear.

This was exactly what I wanted to avoid by my deal with Lacey! I really need to stop mouthing off to people and angering them. And with someone right next to me half the time, I hoped that would stop. I wanted to stay under the radar and take a break from things now that I was living with my mom and away from my friends. That didn't exactly help with them calling me practically every hour either themselves or getting someone else to do it.

Apparently something was happening back home that was big as Ben had described to me. They wouldn't tell me exactly what was going on though. They said that the only way they'd fill me in completely would be if I came back to help them. From what I'd gathered in conversations with Ben and Finn, one of the gangs nearby wasn't very happy with us and they wanted my help for taking them out and making them back off.

Naturally, being the easy-going and helpful person that I am, I ignored their demands for me to come back and it was only pissing Cameron off more each time. I don't see what the big deal was. Okay, so maybe I was good at my skill and could see why they'd want me, but they were the ones that constantly ragged on me to 'recognize all the members of the gang'. There was a lot in our crew but the only ones that I trusted and really got on with was Ben, Cam and Finn. The rest I didn't like to associate with or acknowledge. The more people you give your trust out to, the more chances of one of them backstabbing you.

It always got on the guy's nerves that I only involved myself with the three of them and only talked to what I viewed as 'lesser members' when necessary. And now they were the ones that turned the tables around and wanted me there, saying they couldn't do it without me! Talk about hypocrisy. What happened to 'the whole gang is a unit' and 'you can't depend just on us four'?

I threw their words back at them the other day on the phone and the yelling on the other end had me laughing.

When the voices of the guys got closer to us, I pressed myself into Lacey more, trying to make her as invisible as I could. The guys I weren't scared of and I could have easily said some laughable comments (maybe it would just be me laughing) their way in response to their threats. Fighting them I wasn't afraid of either. But I restrained myself from popping out of my position right now, focusing on the task at hand. It wasn't often serious Travis came out.

I didn't want to get Lacey involved with them. They weren't a big threat, just some punks I mouthed off to the other day on the street. Regardless, I knew they'd seen her when I was running and didn't want to give them the chance to mess with her.

She was too innocent for that, and that's precisely why I picked her for the deal.

And she was hot.

And smart.

And dancers were flexible, right? Um, let's go with friendly for that one, it sounds better...

Not that I had been watching her before I asked her about the deal, that is. Okay, so maybe I had, but she caught my attention and after awhile of actually just observing her I thought of the deal to bring up to her and figured it would be a plus that I would get to hang out with her. 

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