Yes I'm that girl

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Okay. So I'm that chick that no one notices growing up. The smarty two shoes of a girl that hides in the shadows. Tries to be the cool one only to get embarrassed by the whole school.

Well Hi its nice to meet you. Anyways, so I finally get noticed by this boy that I've been in love with since.. well as long as I can remember. He's taller than me and gorgeous. Not that it matters, the only reason why he noticed me is really stupid.

You see we have biology together. I've caught him cheating off of me before. Which is just stupid because I'm also the Teachers Assistant for our biology class. Which means I'm really the one grading the papers. So when I start to see my work with his name on it, I got pissed. I've been known to play pranks so I decided one was in order.

I flunked the next quiz. He copied and didn't even notice what he was writing. So of course he flunked too. So what happened next you ask.......

Yes I'm that girlWhere stories live. Discover now