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I sat, and stared outside the window as the rain continued to pour, I truly did enjoy rain, it was calming, and made me feel as if I could wash away all my problems, although deep down I knew that wasn't true.

I continued to stare, observing my surroundings. I watched cars slowly drive by, along with people walking on the sidewalk, carrying their life story with them.

It truly is a strange thing to see a person, isn't it? Although you don't know that person, they carry a story with them, a story you may or may not become apart of, they could become a lover, a friend, or even an enemy, and it all depends on what you do, the you act, or simply a common interest.

I sighed contently losing interest in my thoughts, as I got up from my previous position and took a seat on my sofa, turning on the television.

As the television came on, a wedding scene appeared on my screen, and I sighed yet again, knowingly.

"Happy endings don't exist" I whispered sadly, for I knew what I said was nothing but the truth.


Happiness, Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now