Will I see you again?

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Hello readers, this is my first Inu Yasha fan fiction, so if you find any mistakes please forgive me. I hope that you will enjoy this short yet sweet fan fiction, I absolutely love Inu Yasha, it is one of my most favourite anime of all times. Even while writing this ficlet I had to control my emotions. Enjoy!

Tonight marks seven years since Kagome Higurashi was transported back to her own era from Sengoku jidai after defeating Naraku and the end of the Shikon No Tama. From afar, Kagome hears the squeal of laughters; the faint sound of people chatting animatedly, since it was summer and many locals were enjoying the maturi. An joyous event for both young and old as they celebrated the summer maturi dressing up for the occasion; visiting the local shrines or off to the town.

The evening breeze blew across the Shinto shrine's ground where the Higorashi resides, lanterns were strung up and the mellow glow gave an auspiscious aura. Dry leaves crackling when another gust of wind blew, swirling in a lazy circle until one touches the hem of Kagome's pink kimono but she was oblivious to her surroundings as she stared at the Goshinboku Sacred Tree, memories drifting in her mind. She waited for the rest of her family as they were to visit the maturi near a local shrine. But her heart felt heavy wishing she could rejoice in this festive mood unlike the rest Kagome was emotional tired.

Her thoughts was only centered on one person, he invaded her mind and heart, ever since she came back Kagome was never stable with her emotions. Even though the years flew by in a flurry Kagome had not forgotten her friends back at the feudal era nor Inu Yasha. At first in desperate attempts, Kagome had visited the wellhouse that houses the Bone Eater's well-that used to be a portal into Sengoku jidai but nothing happened.

Kagome steps closer to the sacred tree and lifts up both hands to press her palms against the tree bark, the texture was rough against her skin; slowly shuts her eyes to relive the moment when she first saw Inu Yasha, he was caught against the tree by Kikyo's spiritual arrow and he slept for many years until Kagome arrived.

A lone tear trails down her cheek followed by another, by now she wept silently the pain of being seperated from Inu Yasha unbearable. Kagome turns on heel and races across the ground toward the wellhouse, on her feet the wooden slippers made a "clack clack" noise.

When she slid the door open, cold draft blew from inside and she shivered slightly but Kagome steps inside; carefully ventures down the stairs. leaning over the Bone Eater's well, she yell for his name over and over again. Kagome's tears dripping into the well but only darkness greeted her, she sobs aloud.

"Inu Yasha.." she whispered his name.

In the distance Kagome heard her mother calling.

With a burst of anger Kagome shrieks aloud, "INU... YA... SHA...!"

Kagome wept brokenly as she slid down on the side of the well, of a sudden she felt a hand on her shoulder and Kagome glances up to gaze with a teary eyes at her mama whom sported a sympathetic expression, heartbroken to witness her daughter's suffering.

With gentleness Mama Higurashi hugs Kagome after a while the pair left the wellhouse, sliding the door close.


Unbeknownst to them, inside the wellhouse the sound birds chirping was heard and the faint smell of pristine wood fills the drafty room.

I know the chapter is very short but sometimes it carries out more emotions than a normally lengthy sentences. So I hope you liked it.

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