I heard your voice

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Hello and welcome back, I do not own Inu Yasha, this is just a fan fiction. In the meantime, please enjoy reading if you find any mistakes please forgive me.

"INU... YA.. SHA...!"

Her voice was carried across the wood by the sudden gust of strong wind and his dog ears perked up in the air with alert. Ba dump ba dump. His heart skipped a beat, a pair of golden eyes widened in surprise and wavered slightly. Breathing became difficult for Inu Yasha as he stood up in haste, he tracked his sharp gaze along the quiet wood but not a sign of her.


Just then, his gaze was honed in the direction that leads to the well which connects to Kagome's world. Every three days later, Inu Yasha would diligently visit the well and return home with a heavy heart, missing her with his every being. Now that he heard her faint voice Inu Yasha was slightly afraid to hope not wanting disappointment crushing his heart.

Many years had gone by but Inu Yasha was certain that one day.. one of these days Kagome would race along this wood and straight into his arms. Perhaps the day had finally arrived, hope flared in Inu Yasha before he could scurry away, he heard someone approaching.

"Inu Yasha, what is the matter?" Miroku asked his half demon friend.

"Miroku, I heard her voice." Inu Yasha turned his head to stare at him with such intensity, "I heard Kagome's voice, she called out my name."

Miroku's expression changed from puzzle to instant sympathy, Inu Yasha saw his friend's expression and felt irritation. Ignoring the priest, Inu Yasha with his demon ability rushes for the well leaving behind a startled Miroku, quickly gaining speed as Inu Yasha jumps from one tree to another.

"J-joto mate! Inu Yasha! oi!" Miroku tags along already out of breath.

"Are you planning to leave us behind, otto san?"

Miroku paused with his one leg up poised in a running position, a sweat appeared on the back of his back and whipped around to look at his daughters with a guilty smile.

"I'm telling okka san," said one of his twin with her arms crossed in front of her chest resembling so much like her mama.

Miroku laughs nervously as he frantically waves both of his hands in front of him.

"N-not your okka san, sumeimasi!"

Miroku left for home with both his daughters tagging along, he sighed depressively while his mind was in turmoil for Inu Yasha. He had never seen the arrogant looking, most fearsome demon in such a sad state. Miroku could only pray for the couple.


Inu Yasha landed on his feet in front of the well that was shrouded with thick branches, covering the entrance. He quickly rips them apart until no obstacle stood against him and Kagome, with cautious steps Inu Yasha leans over to peer inside and gasped aloud. Soon, he was grinning with joy and without a backward glance Inu Yasha jumps in.

Once again, Inu Yasha lands on his feet but in a different era. Adrenaline rushing in his system he quickly skips over the stairs and stealthily slids the door open gazing out with one eye.

"Kagome.." he whispers in awe.

His Kagome stood with her back facing him, staring at the Goshinboku tree whilst the rest of the Higurashi clan crowded around her, he silently listens to them.

"Sota kun, here take this lucky charm with you. If someone sees them we can sell it with a good price." Said the older Higurashi.

"B-but Jii san, this is so fake! and we aren't supposed to do that. There are other stalls selling a much better lucky charm." Commented Sota kun.

"Oi! this is the real deal, if you wish upon this charm your prayers will definitely be answered," Jii san scolded his grandson and now focuses his attention on his granddaughter. "Here, you take this too, Kagome chan. Just say your wish and it will be answered."

"Neh neh jii san, let's leave Kagome chan alone..." Mama Higurashi pleaded but her expression suddenly turned pale when she happened to glance at the wellhouse.

Sota became perplexed with his mother's change of countenance and swivelled around only to gawked but he quickly recovered his stupor; with joyous shout, Sota waved his hand excitedly.

"Inu Yasha!"

Jii san sported a smirk and glances at the charm, chuckling victoriously.

Inu Yasha saw at how Kagome quickly turns around and stares at him with shock radiating from her. One hand lifted to her gaping mouth while the other presses against her chest. Inu Yasha could only stare at her, in these past years she too had changed and now she was a beautiful young woman with soft curves covered up in a pale pink kimono, little butterflies decorated on the lower hem. Her big brown eyes gazing up at Inu Yasha with adoration, he was speechless until he heard quiet sniggers from the side.

"Kagome," his voice loud and clear.

With slow and precise steps Inu Yasha walks closer but halts a few metres away from her, he lifted both his arms and spreads them wide for Kagome, she took the cue and falls in them. Her cries were muffled in his chest, as he gathers her tightly inhaling her familiar scent. Inu Yasha was careful of Kagome's intricate bun as he presses his face in her hair uncaring if the other Higurashi were staring at their public affection.

"Where have you been, Kagome? I missed you" he whispers.

"I-I missed y-you too, Inu Yasha," Kagome choked on her tears.

"See Sota kun? my charms work better than anyone else's, Kagome chan's wishes has come true." Jii san bragged to a disbelieving Sota.

"Eeeh?? amazing!" Sota hurried over to grab one of the key chain for himself.

Inu Yasha glances over at Mama Higurashi silently asking for her approval, while the woman had tears streaming down her face she nodded with a huge grin.

"Please, take care of my precious daughter, Inu Yasha."

Inu Yasha nodded back and peers down at Kagome waiting for answer; without uttering any word, she entwines her fingers with his.

All of them finally gathered around at the Bone Eater's well saying their heart wrenching final farewell including their neko, Buyo. Inu Yasha gently lifted Kagome up in his arm their gazes were only for one another when Inu Yasha disappears into the well back to Sengoku jidai.

Thank you for taking your time and reading my first fan fiction of Inu Yasha, any mistakes found please forgive me! continue reading because the next chapter is the final.

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