Chapter One

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"Mama! Papa! Oh... he he" Alas excitedly ran to her parents and slightly laughed looking at Emi.

"Hey Alas, what so funny?" Maou asked picking up alas carrying her in his arms.

"he he It's a secret between me mummy! he he" Alas replied mischievously smiling at Emi who was now dusting her self off from earlier.

"Ehhhh... Since when did you and Emi hide secrets from me? huh." Maou said looking at Emi suspiciously.

"Well, it's a secret between us girls alraight?" Emi snuggled her face next to Alas and smirked at Maou.

"Now come on you two lets go to the amusement park!"Emi said holding tightly on to Maou's hand pulling him along with her to the Amusement park.

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