Chapter 2

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Liam POV

Looking at idiots that walk through that bar door, you can tell how rotten they really are. 'Skank, whore, faggot and stuck up rich snob.' My mind listed off as 4 people walked in the bar. You might think I'm a bastard well go ahead I probably am. I lost all feeling for insult or even compliments.

It all feels numb after Danielle's death.

"Hey, you haven't even touched your drink yet." Harry said. Harry's my mate. He got me through tough times after the incident happened. With his curly hair, green eyes and dimpled smile. He's cheeky, crazy and charming. Hard to resist.

I looked at the white liquid in a shot glass that could be mistaken for water but is actually a cure that can take you away from all your troubles. A place where pain isn't involved in any way. I looked at the bottle beside it, pressed my lips to the rim and tilted my head back.

I could feel it burn my throat but that's the price you get for a ticket to forget. Forget everything. I downed the whole thing and slammed it down on the bar counter. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me and turned to it. Green eyes wide about the same size of his mouth, Harry gasped.

"What the-. I am not going to carry your drunk ass back home Li. You must be joking to drink that much. I was indicating the tiny shot glass not the whole fucking bottle, asshole." I shook my head trying to hide my smile. I enjoy making Harry miserable.

He sighed and shook his curls everywhere. Seeming to forget what happened 20 seconds ago he smiled. Bipolar much. He dug into his jeans pocket and showed me this bottle.

"Louis gave this to me today. It's so cool! You wana know what it does? Do you? Do you? LIAM? ARE YOU READY TO KNOW what the-" I slammed my hand right to his mouth giving a glare.

"Just tell me ya dufus." He giggles and explains "It's the thing you see in movies where they put this liquid on a piece of cloth and hold it over your mouth and nose. You pass out." I shake my head amused by this.

"Louis gave it to the most immature person I know and I do know quite a lot of people. Why?" "Hey! I am so not immature! Take that back! He gave it to me for protection." He pouts at the beginning and blushes deep red at the last part. "Protection from what? The tooth fairy?" I huffed. He just repeated what I said in a mocking way and rolled his eyes.

"Well I'm gonna head off." I said pushing myself off the bar stool. "Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you? It's really dangerous out there? Do you know that every drunk man that walks out a bar might-" I cut him off by saying "For the love of god Harry! Put a sock in it! Can you believe that just after 5 minutes of getting drunk I think I am having a hangover because of you're yapping!”?

This boy can really piss me off. He shrugged it off like I have just said nothing. As I said, bipolar! "Well, Louis is coming over in a few so I want you to have this!" He showed me the bottle he explained just now. "And what the fuck will I do with it?" I said confused. "It's for protection form bad men Liam! You may never know what might happen. Do you know that a boy about the same size as you was -" I cut him off again and grabbed the stupid bottle.

I stormed away without sparing him another glance. I swear he is going to be the reason I kill myself.

The air was chilly when I walked out. Being used to the warmth inside the bar caused me to shiver. I tucked the bottle in the front pocket of my coat and kept my hand there seeking warmth. The street was very quiet with no other stranger in sight.

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