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The plan was to go on a holiday with your family, but as the days passed and the date for you to leave grew closer, you started to wonder if it was the best thing to do. You and Jack shared a child, you weren't married, but things probably have never been better. The plans were all going ahead, you needed to go see your family. They'd planned for you to visit them overseas but they only had room for you to stay at their little home, so you decided that you'd go on your own, leaving Jack at home to fend for himself and your child. The day before, you packed the last of your belongings into the overly packed suitcase, sitting on the lid of it just so you could manage to get the zipper done up. Jack walks in with his son in his arms, laughing at the state you're in. You look up at him, half glaring and half jokingly when you stand to your feet, taking your son into your arms and holding him up above your head. You son squeals in delight, but is quickly tucked into your arms as you dart around the room making sure you hadn't forgotten anything. Jack sat on the bed, watching silently as you fiddled with your things, throwing something over onto the bed every now and then.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" You ask Jack, folding up another shirt with your free hand. "Babe, i'll be fine. Honestly, don't worry about us" he says holding out his hands to take your son. You quickly pass him to Jack, watching as Jack smiles down lovingly, the same smile reflected on your son's childish features. You stand there in awe as you watch the two loves of your life smile at one another, when Jack soon catches on. "What are you staring at?" he asks, smiling over at you and holding tight onto his son. "He's got your smile" you say, watching as Jack pulls back, his eyes dancing on the features of your sons face. He looked over the moon to hear that, replying with "So my son's got the best smile in the industry, he's gonna be a lady killer for sure when he grows up" he jokes, standing up and bouncing your son in his arms. "Oh i have good news babe!" Jack suddenly announces, pulling you to sit on the bed. He shifts so he's sitting against the bed frame, your son in between Jack's legs, with Jack holding securely onto his arms as he wobbly stands on his feet. "I'm not going to be alone with this little fella while you're away" he says, looking proudly over at you. You go to question him on who his company is going to be when he interrupts you. "No its not a hooker or anything. Alex said he'd come by and lend a hand". "Alex. With a baby." you question, making it sound like a statement. "Yeah! Apparently he loves kids, and he can deal with a whole load of motherly shit better than i can" he jokes. You raise an eyebrow at Jack questionably, "Maybe i should've had a kid with him then, instead of you" you say, waiting for Jack to retaliate. You smirk over at him when he shoots a glare at you, "its alight, i'll just go sleep with whoever he's banging" he replies. "Come on Jack, you and I both know you can't get any better than this" you say, hands motioning to yourself, obviously saying it as a joke. Jack stands up carefully with his son in one arm and walks behind you, suddenly throwing an arm around your waist and tipping you over his shoulder. You squeal at the unexpected act, but soon try and squirm your way out of it, but Jack's got a pretty tight grip on you. "Jack! Put me down!" you yell, arms flailing trying to pry his arm off from around you. 

"Hey now, don't be such a baby" he says, harshly dropping you onto the couch in the living room. You smile at the sight of your son clapping gleefully, enjoying the happy banter of his parents. Jack straddles your lap, plopping your son on your stomach as Jack's legs sprawl out on either side of your hips. "hey cutie" you say to your son, playing with his chubby, baby-like arms. "Hey to you too" Jack replies with a half smile, knowing who it was actually intended for. You hear your phone vibrate from the other room and try to shove Jack off you, but he insists you stay put as he walks out of the room to retrieve your phone. He walks back into the room with your shiny black iPhone pressed to his ear. "Yeah, no thats okay. I totally understand. maybe next time" he says with a smile, before handing the phone over to you. "Hello?" you ask cautiously. "Hello dear" you hear your mother say from the end of the line. "Mom! Im so excited to see you tomorrow" you say excitedly, Jack now sitting again on your lap. "I am too dear. I am so sorry that Jack and your little one can't come, we just don't have enough room" "No mom thats okay, it'll be nice to come see you guys and had a little alone time" you say, sneaking Jack a teasing wink. 

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