Does God Exist?

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Does God exist? Is a question asked by many people to themselves . What proof we have to prove that god exists?

As we know , the difference between us and animals is that we are capable of thinking and classifying what is right and wrong . We have wisdom , which can tell us where to go .

Let's start with simple sentences :-

0+0+0+0+0+0+0.......≠ 1

This is an understood thing that nothing will be obtained from nothing , someone is supposed to create something from nothing . As we humans can't even create a fly and claim that there is no creator , REALLY!! if so then can you create something from nothing ?We can create something from something like a door from tree but can we create something from nothing ? Absolutely no .

Sheep was created by Wilmut , but he used an adult sheep cell and under artificial atmosphere. He did not create something from nothing but he created something from something .

Common mind can see the difference between our creation and nature .

Even the mathematics' probability confirms that universe was not made by chance but a power created it.

We know physics' motion, cause and effect , until there is no cause there is no effect .

Who caused the creation ?

A creator is the most logical and authentic answer.

Everything has a basic ingredient known as atom.

Atoms join together to form a structure. Atom contains subatomic particles which include protons , neutrons and electrons . Have you ever wonder who made atom?

We know atom is basic unit of everything whether living or non living but who created it ?

How can this vast and big universe come in to existence from nowhere? Who is sustaining it ? If there is no one then how it is supporting living creatures?

How living creatures came to existence ? Some say bacteria is evolutionary creature of all living things , but who created bacteria ?

Darwin said about evolution but himself was unable to explain it with proofs.

Now science disproves theory of evolution cause if ape and swine interbred then the resulting species should be infertile (fact, not a theory) but we know we can breed !!

This proves that there is a power who created us , animals , plants and this universe .

If you still don't believe try to ask a single scientists that if they can make something from nothing .

If you still not understand then stand in front of a mirror , watch yourself and your body and ask yourself , how can I come to existence from nowhere?

Many philosophers ,who spent their lives in thinking ,could not reject a Creator .
If you still not understand then you don't want to understand

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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