Letter Three: The Memories

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You make my heart smile.

There will always be many memories in my mind but my favorite of them have you in them.

Like the first time that we danced. That is something that I will never forget. You didn't ask, you just said, "Im going to dance with you." and I nodded as you put you hands on my waist. I had never been asked to dance and you were my first. I foolishly asked where my hands went and you looked so startled and I wanted to dig a hole and stay there forever. But you didn't make me feel stupid, instead you smiled, that beautiful smile that I love, and said anywhere. We danced to a song that I still cannot remember since I was so caught up in the moment. It was like I was so busy feeling that listening to the song or worrying about what others said was not important. Everything faded and all I had was the beating in my heart for music and the butterfly's in my stomach as witnesses to our dance.

Or that one hug that you gave me where we both lingered. Not wanting to let go but eventually we did.

Or the last time we danced. You were my first and last dance. No one has asked me out dane since you left.

There is so many moments we have shared. Too many for me to recount every single one of them.

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