White Rabbit

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"Hey, knock it off!" I swiped at the rabbit, and he tumbled to the floor. I felt him. That meant...

"I'm not fake, dearie. If you feel that way, maybe you are,"He stated matter of factly. That was it. I had to see a doctor. But if they knew I was seeing this hallucination, I would be locked in a padded room by this time tomorrow.

"Try to put your hand through me Amalia. Don't panic. If I was from your dimension, I would be a hallucination. But I'm not. You're sane, much more so than most people in my realm."

I tried to put my arm through him, but the rabbit was solid as a rabbit should be. Could it be that I wasn't hallucinating?

"In that case, Rabbit, what dimension are you from?" I asked.

"I think you know. I come from Wonderland, the same place as your mother lives. Well, now... I have a note. It might ease your confusion.

The Heir, The daughter of The Queen of Hearts, is Amalia Heart. She lives in the mortal world. Find her, and give her the place on the throne. The fate of Wonderland depends on her. Watch out fo

And the note cut off abruptly.

"Who wrote this? What crazy person is playing a sick joke on me?!" I yelled.

"The Jester wrote it, he's the second in charge to The Queen. He's in a better place now." He said wistfully.

"Okay, so this dead jester, how would a guy supposed to make people laugh, be second in command to a Queen?! There are way too many holes in this story."

"In the mortal realm, doesn't your president use a Jester as his second in command? And jesters don't joke, their serious people, insolent girl!" The Rabbit scolded me nonsensically. My head spun. I needed to get that guy out now.

I hoisted him up, and ran downstairs with the Rabbit. He was real, and I didn't want to kill him. So I threw him out the door, slammed it and locked it.
All that night, I began to realize the Rabbit's tale actually made sense. I had never known my mom, and my Dad really didn't like talking about her.

I had been tested by a psychologist as a child, just like everyone else that went to my private school(it was a requirement) and I had passed with flying colors. That bunny wasn't a hallucination. And it had spoken. It was real.

And it was saying that Wonderland was real. So, there was a possibility that it was.

As I slept (more like stayed up until dawn), I actually regretted throwing the Rabbit out before hearing the whole story. If it was fake, it was interesting, anyways.
Now it was Saturday, and I had to head to Pennsylvania for my Grandpa's birthday. He was a cool guy, for a Grandpa, and he used to be a pilot in the Vietnam War. Now he was a peace activist, and could run two miles.

But my mind was preoccupied, for obvious reasons.

So, the whole time, I made small talk and wished him a happy birthday, and enjoyed some chocolate cake (nothing could distract me from cake). But Grandma Gene noticed I seemed sulky, and sat me down.

"Ama. What's wrong?" She asked gently.

"Have you...ever met my mom? Because I haven't. And I was just wondering about her." I asked. I didn't want to tell her everything. If I did, she would be worried about me. And I loved Grandma Gene, she was the sweetest lady ever. I just wanted answers.

"I met her only twice," she responded, " once at dinner, and once at her wedding to your father. She was a strange woman, twig thin and she could do some funny card tricks. She did a few crazy things to her house, too. Shingles to the floor, tiles on the roof. But one day, she disappeared, poof, gone. The police couldn't find her. Did that satisfy you, hon?" She asked. I nodded, and I knew that my face was pale.

My mom knew card tricks...she put stuff upside down...and she disappeared off the face of the earth. Had she gone to Wonderland?

"Grandma, do I look like her at all?" I wondered. She laughed a little.

"Not in the slightest. You're much more down to earth then she was too. The only similarity you have to her is that birthmark on your shoulder. Shaped like a heart, see?"

I thought it looked more like a slice of pizza than any heart I had seen, but it was suspicious anyhow.

"Thanks Grandma!" I gave her a hug, and came to my, impossible, final conclusion. My family was from Wonderland, I was the Queen of Heart's descendant, and Alice from Alice In Wonderland was a real person. Wow.
When it was finally time to go home, I wasn't surprised to find the Rabbit sitting in the back of my van.

"I see you've finally come around, Amalia. Or should I say, Your Highness?" I waved him off.

"Never call me that. Now, Rabbit, please can you tell me the rest of the story?

"It all started when The Queen of Hearts had a bad dream. A villain, called the dirt, came from her dream, and turned everyone in the royal court into playing cards. Well, they kind of were cards already, but now they're immobile. The Jester knew that the dirt is now destroying Wonderland, causing a horrible rot, and it'll only end when you, Amalia, sit on the throne. It won't be an easy journey. But you have to come, Amalia. For the greater good." The rabbit babbled. I kneeled to look him in the eye.

"Okay. I'll come. I mean, it's Wonderland, what can happen?" I immediately answered.

"Uh, nothing, your Highness! This will be a piece of cake, trust me! It'll be fun!" He told me, far too chipper. He led me to my van.

"So, my van is the entrance to Wonderland?"

"Of course not! To the library!" He said dismissively. Once we were there, I put him in my purse, and he told me to find Alice In Wonderland. I went to the children's section, found a secluded section of the library, and began to read the first page.

The more I read, the bigger a swirling hole grew, eating the book from the inside out.

"So this is the way to Wonderland." I breathed.

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