Buffy Has Chosen

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Chapter 11: Buffy Has Chosen

"Wake up."

Before Buffy opened her eyes, she felt all the muscles in her body burning in pain. Her head was throbbing and she tried to remember what the hell had happened. Spike had handed her the vial to get her powers back and then-

Her eyes flew open when she felt a body crouching over her. The sunlight was blinding and her hands came to cover her eyes on instinct. When they adjusted she recognized the desert and the curious grunting Slayer hovering over her.

"It's you," Buffy choked out and started to get up.

Sineya moved away from her but still circled Buffy as she took in the vast desert she was stuck in somehow. Sineya's lips didn't move but Buffy heard the words echoing off the cliffs and through her body.

"Slayer," it hissed.

Buffy tensed and had a small panicked sharp intake of breath. This was supposed to give her powers, not make her a Slayer again. She stood up and gave Sineya a pleading look. "No, this isn't what I wanted. I wasn't even sure yet. I-"

"Your witch upset a delicate balance. You are not meant for this realm."

Buffy felt the ground under her feet crumble and she fell forward into a pool of shallow water that had somehow appeared underneath her. The water shimmered and small ripples raced angrily over the surface.

"Like ripples."

Buffy was entranced at the water danced around her knees.

"Do I need to go back?" Buffy asked in a small voice. She couldn't help that Spike's face crossed her mind.

"The witch's dark magic allowed it to enter. The First is coming for your realm."

"Am I a Slayer?" Buffy asked impatiently. "I don't feel any different. How am I supposed to stop the First?"

"You will need the witch. And this."

The prowling Slayer tensed as three tribal looking men approached them. She was afraid, Buffy realized. One of the men was holding a wooden box and they stopped to stand behind Sineya. She took the box from him.

"The demons have weakened as time as gone on. As have we. Our demon is diluted and it will not be enough for what is coming. Shadow inside of me is pure strength and power. But Sultana is immortal and even stronger. You must take it."

Buffy froze. "No."

The men behind her started to rhymically hit the sand with large sticks they held in their hands. The ground began to shake and for a brief moment Buffy looked to the trembling water behind her. When her eyes rose again she was in a cave. Sineya was chained to the floor, her body twisting to escape the bonds. The men stood around her with a smaller box than before in their hands. Another Sineya appeared beside Buffy. This time she spoke for herself, her voice rough.

"Took Sineya. Made me strong."

The chained Sineya screamed as a dark smoke emerged from the now opened box. It curled into the shape of a claw and grabbed the captive girl's ankle. Buffy tried not to feel sick as the screams grew more and more frantic.

"What is this?"

The girl was now completely covered in the dark shadow.

"I felt Shadow. Crawl inside. Destroy inside."

A loud roar shook the walls of the cave. The smoke was gone and Sineya broke the chains off of the floor as another inhuman roar escaped her small mouth. She approached Buffy the chains scraping on the ground. She turned but found it was only her and this Sineya in the cave.

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