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Everyone wants their Happily Ever After don't they? Well, sometimes they don't happen. And then you say, ' this is the worst day of my life '. Do you even know what you're saying? It's all because your crush went out with your best friend, or your boyfriend broke up with you. Well I'm here to tell you otherwise. Matters can be worse, believe me, i know. You're probably saying, "there's no way it can be worse, i loved him." Well loves a strong word. I don't think you were the one who was abandoned & then held hostage. So think twice. This story may just teach you that your life. . .isn't as bad as you think.

My name is Phobe Gates, and I was left at the alter. . . kind of.

His name was Ryan Montgomery. He was tall, had crystal blue eyes and jet black hair. He was a straight-A student and a goody two shoes in school. Maybe that's what coaxed me in. I'm not sure what it was; but there was something just so special about him. He was never too outgoing, or too shy. He was all around perfect. It all started on a early Spring morning. The early sunrise shone against the ocean and lit up the pink sky like diamonds. I was full of excitement, but soon that excitement would turn into fear. 

The church bells chimed to the beat of my hourglass shaped figure walking. My heels made a quick snipping sound as i walked on the stone pavement to the church. My stomach was full of butterflies, and i just felt so happy for once. Today was the beginning of my new life. What I didn't know was that there was a side to Ryan that I never saw. A side that costed him his life.

I lifted up my rose colored vintage Vera Wang dress as i stepped up the stairs to the church. I hummed the tune i would soon hear on my way down the aisle, to Ryan. I opened the doors of the church & thought, ' breath in and breath out. Everything's going to be fine.' ; But for some reason I got this sense that something wasn't quite right. 

"Is something wrong, hunny?", Ryan's mom asked me.

"OH, um nothing." I said surprised she actually sensed that. It must be a mom thing.

As I looked around cautiously, everything looked. . . fine. Actually, everything looked perfect. I felt like i just jumped into a Disney Princess book. Suddenly, i turned to see a man staring right at me. I recognized him a little; but after a minute of trying to remember- i figured he was one of Ryan's friends. I scanned him up and down, mimicking what he was doing to me. He had a tattoo of a 3 on his left hand, and a dark, dull face. The only life in it was his green eyes and red tinted hair. Then the clock struck 12, and I knew that was my cue to start walking. My dad grabbed my arm with a 'lets get this over with', look on his face and opened the doors. 

We started to walk to the ancient tune of 'Here Comes the Bride', and as I looked into everyones eyes, they looked more excited than I actually was. With every step I took, my heart skipped a beat. I was so focused on everyone around me, I didn't even notice there was no one at the alter. My dad gave me a quick peck on the cheek, then let me go to, leaving me to Ryan.

As I turned I realize there was no one there. I started to hesitate.

"Ryan?" the priest said. "Ryan are you here?" 

Then everyone started to hesitate. 

No one answered to his calls. He was no where to be found. Not in the dressing room, not in the bathroom. No where.  By surprise, the mysterious man that i was checking out before handed me a letter. I opened it with shaky hands & read it to myself. 

" Phobe, 

I'm truly sorry it has to be like this. It's for your own good. You can't be with someone like me. Please be careful and don't trust anyone. Oh Phobe, if you only knew.

- R "

His hand writing was light and scribbly. It looked like he did it in a rush; But a rush for what? The letter was crumbled and had drops of blood on it. I looked up at the man. He had a grin on his face. I was too worried to even be upset at Ryan. If I only knew what? There were so many questions, but no time for them at all. He wanted me to be happy, but how could I knowing that he could be dead this very second?

" If only you did know." the man said jokingly. He smirked and ran out the door. 

" NO!" i screamed. I kicked off my white Calvin Klein shoes, picked up my dress and ran after him. As soon as i got out of the church he was no where to be seen. The floor was cold and rocky, like the bottom of the ocean. Ryan's tide of love pulled me in deeper and deeper. Now I'm just drowning. From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of red. I turned; it was the man who gave me the note. 

"Hello, Phobe. I've heard so much about you." he said calmly. 

"What did you do to Ry-" I tried to say, but he cut me off. 

"Oh Phobe. You don't realize what you've done to help me, haven't you?" 

"No.", i said as i shook my head. 

"Well, I'll tell you; But first let me introduce myself. My name is. . . well just call me Scar.", 

As he said that, I noticed the red, horrifying scar that ran from his left eye down to his chin.

"Bet you didn't notice this before.", Scar said as he admired himself in the reflection of a store window. 

I shook my head no. He had a dark, sexy, mysterious tone to his voice. I had to admit, he was pretty hot. I couldn't see how sweet Ryan could even associate with this guy.  I stroked my hand gently down the scar. 

"What happened?", I said as i continually touched his face. 

"Lets just say there's a side to Ryan.. well you don't know.", Scar said.

A side to Ryan I don't know? I was about to marry this kid of course I knew every side of him.

"And now he'll have revenge. I'm going to take away the only thing he ever loved.",

"Now what's that?", I said with an annoyed tone.

"You.", he simply said.  

Before I could scream or even move my feet, he put duck tape on my mouth and covered my eyes with a handkerchief. He tied it tightly then carried me into some sort of truck i'm guessing. He pushed me into the back and slammed the door shut. 

"Sorry to ruin your farytale kid. Remember, in every farytale, there's a bad guy!" he said, cracking himself up.

I rolled my eyes and attempted to yawn. I've had enough of  Cruella Deville here already. 

"Here comes the bride..." He sang as he drove, snickering. 

The duck tape smelt like cat pee and made me feel offaly dizzy. A tear ran down my rose blushed cheeks and my eye lids felt heavy. My head started to tilt down-word and blonde locks fell into my face. I dozed off  to the sound of Scar singing. And then all was black. 

So now, think about you're life. I bet you weren't held captive, kidnapped,  or abandoned from the alter & everyone you love. 

My name is Phobe Gates, also know as the 'runaway bride', and this is just the beginning. 



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