Chapter 1: Fateful night

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(A/n: Harry Potter and Co belong to j.k. Rowling I own nothing)

    It was nearing dinner time  at Godric's Hollow and Lily Potter was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Her son Harry was sitting in his highchair happily watching his mother cook. It was October 31, Halloween. Lily's husband, James was working late like normal.

"Hey Lily!" said two sudden male voices.

Lily turned to see Remus Lupin and Sirius Black standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Harry squealed at the sounds of his 'uncles' voices. Lily threw her best angry stare, "you two about caused me a heart attack!" She began laughing at them. Sirius was more interested in his favorite god son.

"Hey Harry! Look at you! You look more like James every time we see you," Sirius cooed.

"Sit down. Sit down." Lily ushered to the two of the four marauders.

"Thanks, Lily. Hey where's Prongs?" Sirius asked as he and Remus sat down at the table on either side of Harry who was at the head of the table.

"He's working late again and he told me this morning before he left that we were to start without him," Lily said as she continued her cooking.

"Where is worm tail?" Lily asked while mashing the peas for Harry.

"Last we heard, he was looking for more ways to strengthen the wards on the house" Lupin said with a look that got Lily's attention.

"Spit it out, what's wrong?" She asks concerned. "I will explain more when James gets he..." Lupin trails off at the sound of the lock being turned.

They all grab for their wands, each with baited breath all except Harry who is giggling at the way everyone jumped up.

"Woah!!!" James says alarmed.

Everyone lets out the breath they were holding. "Nice to see everyone too!" He laughs at his own joke.

"James Potter how many times must I tell you knock twice then enter! You almost got blasted to China." Lily says with frustration clearly evident.

"Sorry, long day." "Padfoot, Mooney! How have you been?" James sets his stuff down and picks his son up.

"James there is no time for small talk, I've come from Hogwarts, Albus agrees, you need to change your secret keeper, something is going on with worm tail, he never comes to see us, he has lost weight... To much and there is always this look he gives to us like he knows something." Mooney sits with a big intake of breath.

"How many times do I need to say this! He would never go against us, maybe the pressure of being a secre keeper is to much, I will talk to him tomorrow. Until then supper is done, stay and eat with us!"

They all enjoy each others company but eventually Harry lets everyone know it's getting late by falling asleep in his high chair.

" I'm serious James please change even if just temporary, please!" Lupin begs

"I will buddy, tomorrow." James closes the door and kisses Harry softly so as not to wake him, " if you want I can put him to bed." James offers, "I got it if you will clean up the living room for me." She gives him the best puppy dog eyes she can manage.

"You play an unfair game woman, of course I will, I love you both."

"Love you more!" She says on her way upstairs.


"There we go baby." She whispers as she covers him and twists the new mobile Harry received from Albus, it was amazing, it had wands, owls and thunderbolt brooms that went round and round.

She was closing the bedroom door when she heard James scream for her to stay upstairs with Harry.

"What is it James!!" She screamed back.

"Do as I say, please! Someone just set off the wards." He was putting up new defenses that Albus taught him recently, how ever it was to late.

"Well, well, well! Worm tail you were right they were stupid enough to keep you as a secret keeper!" Voldermort laughed

James attempted to duel him but was killed outright.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort said pointing his wand directly at James.

James' body fell to the floor with a bang. Voldemort smiled as he nudged James' lifeless body to make sure that he was dead.

"Such a shame, he would have made a great Death Eater had he not been against me, ah but the time has come for me to end all this nonsense."

Voldermort made his way to the child's bedroom, Lily was holding Harry, trying to shield him, "please" she cried "He is just a baby!"

"I care little for all this, AVADA KEDAVRA!" He yelled but something happened, something went wrong!


Noises all around her, the smell of smoke reached her nose, but Lily Potter only had one thing on her mind. Her baby and her husband! Although she feared the latter was already gone which made her sob harder than she already was, she tried to collect herself and she realized she was outside on the ground and everything hurt. She looked around, their home was now destroyed the left half of the house was blown away like a bomb hit it, debris and fire littered the ground and through the sounds she heard a baby crying, "HARRY!" She screamed and forced herself up off the ground while sending a patronus to Lupin and Sirius.

As Lily walked through the doo, she saw James lying on the ground.

"James! Please! Wake up " she sobbed
She pulled him onto her lap and his head lolled back and he was already becoming cold.

"Lily!" She heard her name but couldn't register who's voice it was

"Lily, he has passed we need to get to Harry." The soothingness of the voice caused her to glance away from her heart, her soulmate, it was Lupin, of course he was always so calm and rational. "Where is Harry? "

" oh god! Harry!" She gently laid James back onto the ground and kissed him on the lips, "I love you more!" She sobbed as she ran to what was left of Harry's room, there in the floor say the baby crying not knowing what happened. Lily reached for him but cried out in pain as she bent, " I will pick him up." Sirius said from behind her.

"He is banged up, and so are you, look what is that!" He points to a pile of robes on the floor, " I don't know but look it's his wand and this must be his robes" Lupin replies quickly putting everything into a bag he produced.

"Let's get you two out of here and get you looked at." About the time he finished Lily's body had given out finally and she passed out, she welcomed oblivion with open arms...

(A/n! Omg I'm amazed at how easy this was to write up! Hope you enjoy!!! Star and follow etc leave comments I will reply!)

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