Chapter 2-The burial

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A/n: Harry potter belongs to her... (J.K.R) Duh lol!!!

I don't care! When will she wake up, that's all I care about!" She could hear Sirius screaming at some poor fool.

"Sir, please calm down and drink this calming drought. She will wake when her body tells her she is ready, she has been through a lot." The nurse tried to inject logic into him but he wasn't hearing anything.

"No shit Sherlock! She lost her husband and was almost killed herself!" He stormed out of the room as Lupin was trying to apologize. Lily slowly sunk back into her black abyss.

When she came to there was a baby mumbling as shushing noises were attempting to quite him. "Mommmyyy, mommmmy" she heard but she couldn't make her body respond. "Shhh Harry mommy is fine she is sleeping." A calm voice informed the tot. "Sweeping?" he asked    "Yes, sleeping."
It was the last thing she heard before she slipped back to her dear friend, darkness.

She felt panting close to her feet, and heaviness, something furry was on her, making her sweat.

"Ugh." Was all she could say as she lifted her head she saw what it was, "Sirius, wake up and get off I'm burning up!" She was laughing at his dog form, he always preferred it because he got away with being naked. Sirius transformed back into his human form in the insuit bathroom so he could get dresses.
"Lily, thank god everyone has been so worried!" He grabbed the water glass and let her drink some of it. About that time Albus, Lupin and what was left of the order walked in.

"We are so glad you are awake Lily." Albus tilted his head a and laughed as Harry walked to him. "Ah, first steps are so very important, they start us out on life's path."

"Dada" Harry said looking around for James. "Daa daa!" He screamed.

Lily was in tears knowing James would never hear his son crying, laughing, he already missed his first steps.
"Shh Lily, he isn't really gone, one stays around if you keep them in your memories, and your heart." Albus said with his infinite wisdom.

"When am I allowed to leave?" She asked with impatience.

"Ma'am you have to give the Skele-grow time to mend you, thirteen bones were fractured or broken, it takes a couple of days! Good news though you were out of it for three days so, probably tomorrow!" The nurse sounded excited for her.

"Can you excuse us nurse I need to talk with my friends." Lily asked. "Of course but not to long you are still injured." She left the group and walked over to the owls, she grabbed a paper and quill and scribbled a fast note

She and the child
Still live.

She rolled up the note and whispered who she wanted the note delivered to. With a quick glance she then walked out of the hospital and just in time as the poly juice potion wore off.

"Madam Lastrange, an honor to see you out and about." A passerby said to her as she made her way towards the shops.


"So Lily, we have James taken care of, all we need to do is bury him. We were waiting till you were able to be there to do this." Dumbledore informed her. " I need to see him!" She sobbed " I woke up thinking it was a all just a terrible dream but I know now that it isn't." She now had tears streaming down her face as she tried to calm down. "

This is all his fault that bastard" roared Sirius. "I told you I felt something was off about him, but James just wouldn't listen, why wouldn't he listen to me." Lupin said from his seat. "We wanted to believe we were safe Lupin, don't beat yourself up. I just know I should be dead, where would that have left poor Harry?" She held Harry tighter and couldn't picture how bad his life would be.

"We need to all heal then find what is left of Voldermort." Dumbledore said to the whole group.

"I am with you Albus, even though I don't think he is still alive. I will how ever lone my house to those that need a place to stay, Lily you and Harry can consider it your home as well!" Sirius informed the group.

"Well we are heading home, I'm sure mother is trying to prove Neville isn't a squib!" Frank and Alice Longbottom laughed at the last bit together knowing it was true.

I will stay with Lily tonight then Sirius can take over tomorrow, we can trade baby sitting Harry also" Lupin said

"Guys, you don't have to stay, I can keep Harry and take care of myself." Lilly produced the biggest yawn as she finished the last sentence.

"Well I'm sure but just to ease my mind I will make myself comfortable." He informed the droopy eyes woman whom he loved like a sister. "Sleep well sister knowing you and Harry are safe."


-The funeral-

"We lay this man who was deeply loved by his family and friends." The pastor said in that monotone voice they all have. "As we lower him down to his resting place, we ask you to remember him with the good memories, not those of heartache, would anyone like to say anything" he looked up at the huge crowed of people he had ever seen.

"I remember when James was in school and he added the wrong ingredient to his potion and for weeks he had pink hair!" Said a person close to the back of the group. "I don't have many memories that are bad of James, he was always very loving and giving, he was a trouble maker, but he loved Lily and Harry with all he had." Dumbledore said standing behind Lily.

"I knew the other side of Potter, and only got the brunt of his jokes, but I know how much he loved you and your child" Severus said from a few rows back.

For a while this continued, till finally Lily stood, "Thank you all for your loving memories, and the joy you have all shared, the only thing I can add is how selfless he is... Or was," she sobbed, "He made me stay upstairs while Voldermort killed him." She couldn't continue.

She walked over to the now covered grave and touched the empty spot on the grave stone where she should have been buried. "How am I still alive?" "I can't do this without you James." She couldn't stop crying.

"He may be gone but he will always be with you, here let me." Sirius conjured a beautiful white rose wreath, with one single red lilly in the center.
"It is beautiful, thank you sirius." She leaned on him for comfort.

"Come let's get out of this weather." He grabbed her and Harry and was about to apperate when a dementor came out of no where and a ministry guard and askaban guard grabbed Sirius and places him under arrest. "You are being detained for the death of Peter Petegrew" the guard read that he had been killed in front of muggles, and many whitnesses. "I didn't, he transformed, he is an unregistered ani magus!" He shouted. "Then why is it we found his finger?" They held up the bag.

"No! Lily go to my house I will be there soon." He said with little doubt.
"Okay! I love you Lily" they apperated as the last bit came out.

"Oh my!" Cried Lily.

(A/n sooo what do you guys think?? Don't forget to star and comment! I love hearing what you guys think)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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