chapter 1

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I tapped my hands on the wall talking to my friends about random stuff that i frankly was not even listening to, my eyes were locked on the girl across from the hall also conversing with her friends, my crush since i was in sixth grade. Im just to scared to ask her out. My friend must have noticed that i was staring cause i heard him sigh.
"Dude its been what like 5 years just go ask her out, your popular im sure she will like you, what happened to all that confidence i dont even think this is the same person" he lightly punched me in the shoulder. I scratched the back of my head.
"I dont want her to go out with me just because im popular and i dont want her to think that im some jerk who carrys to much pride." I told him truthfully stuffing my hands in my pocket and leaning against the wall behind me. He rolled his eyes.
"Trust me with the way your acting at the moment im pretty sure she wont." He snorted, i glared at him, turning my gaze back to her. My breath caught in my throat.
She's looking at me she's looking at me what do i do!?!. She smiled kindly and lifted my hand up waving at her, i could feel heat rise to my cheeks as she waved back. I heard laughing next to me and turned to sora who was acting like a goof and making fun of me i punched him lightly in the shoulder, and stood from off the wall walking to class as the bell rung.
"Hey wait up shinjiro!" Sora called running up to me i looked back at him laughing. I accidently bumped into someone, and we both fell to the ground as well as the books the person had in their hands.
"Gomenasai i didnt see you" i said scratching the back of my head. I stoo up holding out my hand ro the girl that sat on the ground. She had thick rimmed glasses and strait hair that was pulled into a ponytail in the back of her head and she wore her uniform like the perfect student, her cheeks red. She grabbed my hand.
"Its fine just w-watch were your going next time please" she mumbled dusting off her skirt. I picked up some of her books and handed them ro her as soon as she rwcieved them she scurried off.
Sora came up next to me.
"She's always like that, shut off and not saying anything, i think her name was miyuki" sora said looking back at her retreating figure.
I shrugged.
"Come on we're late for class."

Miyuki p.o.v
I walked down the corrider in a rush to get to my destination, heavy books wrapped securely in my arms. These books were making it hard for me to be quick considering they were kind of heavy and slipping, i looked down to the books that were slipping and started to adjust them when i bumped into someone. I fell hard on my bum, books falling in a heap in front of me.
"Ow...." i mumbled quietly adjusting my glasses. I looked up and my breath caught in my throat at the soght of the person who had bumped into me. This person just so happened to be my crush since forever basically okay maybe not forever just up until the time that i finally realized that there was no such thing as coodies had i started liking him. Hestood up dusting off his clothes, then proceeded to scratch the back of his hair, his pretty golden hair falling over his hand.
"Gomenasai i didnt see you" he apoligized, i felt heat rising as i realized he was holding his hand out for me to grab it. I grabbed his hand and he hoisted me up.
"Its fine just w-watch were your going next time please" i mumbled dusting off my skirt i mentally facepalmed at my stutter. I adjusted my glasses again and picked up some of the books as he picked up the others and handed them to me, he handed me the books and i just stood there staring dumbly at him, before i realized what i was doing i blushed more and scurried off.
Nice going miyuki you didnt even say thank you.
I shook the thought out of my head and walked into the classroom and handed the teacher the books before scurrying back to my class. My hand was tingly from when he had touched it, it felt as if a million adorable butterflys were dancing around my stomach. I sighed, he would never like me i already know he likes someone else. And that someone else just so happens to be my sister, my not identical twin, ahe had this very confident air around her and was very sweet to other people she refused to be nice to me, i guess thata one of the reasons people dont know we are sisters.
"Ughhhhh...." i groaned quietly to myself. If only i was just a bit like her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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