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"She ain't got shit to do with this, do what you got to do to me but she walks. I'm ready to face mines!" I looked him in my eyes.

I had to realize ain't nobody loyal in this game. Not even the niggas who are so called family. I saw his finger applying pressure to the trigger so I gripped Azas' wrist tightly while she was standing behind me. As soon as the gun went off I just closed my eyes waiting for it all to be over."

Aza *

"Where you going dressed like such?" Anika walked into the room behind me.
"Your questioning me for what reason?" I asked the little girl.
"I want to come" I turned around in my chair to face her. Anika took a seat on my bed watching me.
"Not this time, I have work. Next time" I smiled at her. Instantly her face turned into a frown which made me feel bad. My mother, sister, and I moved to California when Anika was only three years old from Nigeria. I remember being so scared to leave Africa and everything I had ever known but being so anxious to get away and start over. My mother had told me of all the beautiful new thing's to come and how amazing it will be. I remember how it was late in the night early in the morning while my father was asleep my mom coming and waking me up, she held Nika close to her chest and quickly had me get dressed. We only had a few bag as we rushed out of the door as quiet as we could. It was hell getting here. It was me, Baby Nika, My aunt Nooni, my mom and my cousins Mookie and Juelz. They were more like my brothers then my cousins.

"Well when you come home can we get ice cream and go to the park, please?" nika asked me.
"Sure" I smiled standing from my seat. I walked over to her and grabbed my purse sticking my things into it. "I'll see you later"
"Bye" She hugged me before I proceeded out of the small room. My cousin Mookie sat on the sofa flipping through channels as I passed.
"You want me walk you to work?" He asked.
"Nah. I'll be fine" I smiled heading out the door. Sometimes his older brother Juelz would be outside on the porch with some of his friends, if he wasn't there only the man above knew where that boy was located. For the life of me I didnt understand why Juelz hung out with the airheads he did but it was not my burden.

I stuck my earphones into my head and turned on my music as I made my way to work. It was about a fifteen minute walk, Ten if I wasn't pussyfooting around. I worked at a little restaurant, the pay wasn't the best in the word but it was something and had some amazing food.
"Early again" Miss Carla smiled at me as I put on my apron.
"Good evening to you also" as soon as I came in I got to work. Busting tables and cleaning up.

"You got those tables in the back" Tia tells me.
"And why can't you do it, ma'am?"
"Because its too many of them. I get nervous" My best friends tells me causing me to shake my head. "Don't give me that damn look, I can't help the way I feel"
"Your too beautiful to be so self conscious, Tia"
"Yeah right. I'm not you now get your pretty ass over there and wait those ables" She pushed me making me laugh. Tia was a thick woman but that didn't make her any less beautiful to me. I loved the way she looked. I made my way over to the table where a few men sat.
"Can I start you off with something to drink?" I asked them smiling. I said the same lines every day, start you off with something to drink. Have you tried our peach cobble? Today's special is... I probably said these things in my sleep.
"Sweet tea" The oldest man of them tells me. "For them, I'll take a coffee"
"Do you still need time to look over your menu?" I questioned.
"Nah, I'd like the chicken fried steak platter. Gravey on top. Instead of grean beans corn" Another one of the men spoke looking at me oddly. Not once did he break contact as he spoke to me. Even as the two other men with him ordered he starred at me. After taking their orders I went to getting their food, "you survived" Tia teased.
"If looks could kill. I might have been dead" I joked proceeding to pick up the plates left behind and my tip. As long as the men sat in the booth, that one kept his glare on me. It didn't affect how I did my job though.

"You want to stay until I lock everything up and I take you home?" Miss Carla asked me as I got my things.
"I'll be fine. See you tomorrow" I waved by. Tia had already gotten off work so I was walking home alone. It was dark as I made my way down the California streets. I was always cautious when walking alone and kept a little pocket knife on me for just incase.
"Can we go to the park now?" Anika ran up as soon as I walked into the house.
"Its dark and I'm tired"
"We Won't stay for long. Please, Aza" My little sister begged.
"Let me change"

I could hear my mother in the kitchen talking on the phone as she prepared dinner. I said my hello's and seen what she was prepping before going to change out of my work clothes and shoes. Together Anika and I made our way to the park a few blocks away from our home. There was still a few kids playing when we made and she ran straight to the swings. Since her little legs weren't long enough I had to put her in the seat and push her. She never kicked her legs like I instructed.
After swinging for while she ran to the play ground set and I took a seat where I could carefully see her.

"Why you in the streets so late?" I looked up to see my cousin Juelz standing behind me.
"Why you sweating me?" I giggled.
"You need to go home. Its late"
"I'm grown and I'm your older cousin" I tell him making sure to keep my eye on my baby sister. He came around and took a seat on the swing next to me. I looked at the guys who he was with that seemed heavily of marijue as they came from behind me also.
"You need to stay inside once it gets late. Your a girl, what if something happens to you"
"Because I'm a girl I can't protect myself?" I raised my eyebrow. "I remember when you were little and I had to beat up the boys in Nigeria for picking on you, Juelz" I told him causing his little friends to snicker.
"This isn't Nigeria" He pushed my swing to the side roughly. "You can't protect yourself like a man could"
"Whatever, Mr. man " I stood from the swing and walked around from him making my way to Anike.

"Aza, how about you chase me" She says from the top of the play ground.
"Fine... I'm coming on the count of three. One... Two.... Three" With loud giggled she took off running for me. I made my up on the play ground and she took off down the slide. I quickly came after her chasing her around the play ground to her amusement.
"Ouch!" Anika screamed out as she ran into some and flew onto her on the ground. I rushed over and picked her up.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"My head" She wined rubbing her head.
"I'm sorry" I looked up to be met with the same piercing eyes from work. "You again?" He spoke the same thing I was thinking.
"She should have been watching where she was running. We're sorry" I apologized picking Anika up from the ground.
"Is she okay?"
"Perfectly fine" I nod my head.
"I'm Kash. We met earlier" He extended his hand which I gladly took.
"Aza." It was some about his eyes, they felt like they were looking right through you.
"Its nice to meet you, Aza" He finally smiled.

Before I could say something I felt a hang on my back gently pushed me forward and turned around to see Juelz and his friends.
"Its getting late. Let's go home" He looked from Me to Kash back to myself.
"Sure" I took Anika's hand and pulled her along side of me.
"What did he say to you?" one of the guys asked as we walked.
"He was sorry for her running into him" I shrugged my shoulders trying to keep up with their fast pace.
"Thats shocking"
"What do you mean?"
"Forget all about it" Juelz tell me dismissing it.

I looked over my shoulder back at the dark eyed Kash who was standing next to another man talking but his head was looking in my direction still.



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