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~shoutout to thera_xox for inspiring me to continue writing 😋~

Ugh. Boys are the worst. Vega hates me now and so does everyone else just because of one stupid fucking guy. Why can't I just get over him it's been eight years like seriously what the fuck is wrong with me? And now on top of all this drama and shit my cousin, my grandma, and my grandpa all died this week. I wish I had someone to talk to, my mom is always too busy for me and my brother and honestly, I have no friends. Vega was one of the four friends that I actually had and now she hates me, so does Lisa,violet ,Christine and Jamie. I wish I could die, I'm not saying I'm suicidal or anything but it would be nice just to drop dead sometime, just so the drama and stress would stop. I want it to all just stop. Just stop

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