Brustoff ~ We Picked Up Some Happiness On The Way

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For @PanicItslongernow (name of this one shot are some lyrics of a song I know you love c: ) Enjoy!

Denis' POV:

I took a deep breath before entering this hell hole.

But only one thing was keeping my head up. And that thing was, Benjamin Paul Bruce. Or Ben, for short which is what he always said.

He always had this bright smile. It was hard to believe that he was the only one who actually cared even though he hung around those awful people. Especially his friend James.


Ben and I weren't friends...I think. But if we were I wished we could be more.
I just really loved his smile and how he would make me laugh over some stupid jokes.
Only his smile could make my day.

On that day his smile was really needed.
Only a few steps were made when James grabbed me by the collar of my shirt throwing me to the ground.
I was expecting all of this. Really.

I felt his fist connect with my jaw as my head bumped to a locker door. He kicked me a few times in the ribs which made me whine in pain. He finished up with a few other kicks in my stomach.

I was now coughing and crying laying on the ground. I used my hands to lift my body up. Staring at the ground I saw blood starting to come out of my mouth. It made me cry even more. My arms were numb as I fell back to the ground curling up in a ball.
I must've looked like a crying mess.

"Stupid fag," he mumbled under his breath walking off.

I herd foot steps running over to me as I herd a soft, though panicking voice.

"Denis! Oh my god! Did James do this to you?" It was Ben.
I smiled a bit by hearing his voice. My smile dropped as the pain got back to my mind.

Ben was sitting on the ground as he lifted me up pulling my head to his chest. I felt his arms gently and carefully wrap around me. I cried in his chest wetting up his shirt.
"Hey," he whispered, "everything's okay I'll bring you to the nurse."

He stood up helping me stand up as well as we slowly walked to the nurse's office.

The nurse said I was okay. I lost some blood but not to much to be brought to the hospital.
She left the room leaving me in there with Ben.

"T-thank you so much Ben," I said quietly.

He took ahold of my cold and shaking hand.

"It was my pleasure love," he answered as I saw him lean in.

Wait. No.

I felt his lips on mine. I jumped a bit at the feeling but his arms snaked around me calming me down.
I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck.

He smiled into the kiss. I slowly pulled away to stare into his eyes.

"Ben?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Is it me or you just kissed me?" I asked.

He giggled, "I did just kiss you."

He laughed and kissed me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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