love is at bloom

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This is my love story. Where I told my soul mate the love of soul,heart,mind and body. Here is the story where I told her that I was inlove with her for the rest of my life.

The titans were fighting slade. Raven was using her magic beating him up with it. But no one know how he did it. But he grab her by the neck and puch her and choke her so many times. The team fight to get to her but the robots was good then he though her on the ground as her lifeless body did not move but her eyes close as if she was a sleep. Beast boy could no longer take it so he let the beast take control of his body. He rip the robots in half like paper. He took slade in his big paws swing him around and around so many times he could not even see. Then he beats him very.....deadly. as if he had no soul. But then he saw raven body. So peaceful and beautful. The beast ran to raven. The titans were afaid that he would eat her but instead he cares her in his big hairy arms. Admireing her beauty as if she was a goddess that he love so purely. He wipered as he ran his fingers though her hair. Then lead his paw on her cheek. He sniff her hair. After that he howled for the love he never told a soul. Then beast boy returned.he saw raven graceful body in his arms. Tears ran down his cheeks. "Rae." He wispered." "Rae! WAKE UP!FOR ME RAE! I LOVE YOU! He screamed. The titans we're shock. They never knew that beast boy would ever in his whole life love raven. Sure he would flirt with raven but he does that to every girl he see. Well he dose not flirt with star cause like that is his sister kind of and its just wired that you flirt with your sister. But he did mostly flirt with raven and try to make her laugh.

Beast boy crys on raven body. The titans watch with saddness. Star crys on robin shoulder. tears sowly falls from the boys cheeks. Beast boy crys and crys until he fell on raven body as he pass out. Beast boy found himself in his bedroom. He did not come out of his bedroom only to the bathroom. He only ate once a week. But a month pass by. Every one knew that beast boy was heart broken over raven this was worser then him and terra. Beast boy would not come out in a week but a month without eating that is just not him. Every one was heart broken over raven no one got over it. But then they heard a knock on the door as cy got it. All they heard was a manly scream. But as the virster went up to the living room. Robin and starfire could say no words. "Beast boy we have a vister!" Robin yelled. Beast boy sowly walk to the living he did not have any sleep in days. But the he saw-! "Hellow beast boy" raven said. She admired his body he was now taller then her. He had a very amazing body built. His hair was longer but still in the same style. Beast boy did his very goofy smile that raven has always loved. "RAVEN!" He said and hug her. Raven did not push back instead she hug him back. As her eyes full water for tears fall down on showlders. Beast boy hold her cheeks in his hands. As more tears fall down her cheeks they turn into tears as turn into laughter. Every one got their hugs from raven. robin was the last it seem like forever when he got his. Beast boy grew jealous of robin hugs. They all had dinner as raven told her story of she try to find the tower. The cy jokes about how they live in in a big T-tower. They all laugh.
they all notice that raven cape was white. Raven told them that she can show feelings now. When night hit. Every one was off too bed. Well execpt two people who were wide awake. Raven was on the roof adniring the moon. She heard footsteps behind her. And saw beast boy. "Beautiful night...right?" He ask.
"Yes it is"
"Raven I have too confess."
"Look I ... I ...I...ILOVEYOU!"
"Beast boy?"
"Look raven I know you don't feel the same way but-"
He was cut off by raven lips it felt as if fire works shout across the sky and they knew in their heart that they were meant to be

The End

"So how did you like the story ruby?" Beast boy said with a grin. "It was like a fairy tale" ruby said. She had her dad looks but her mothers eyes. She acts like her dad but she also some times act like her mom"How about you luna?"
"Eh .... it was like shake spare." She had her mother looks but her farther eyes. She act like her mother but some times her farther. "And you mike?"
"It was cool dude!" He act and look like his farther.

"How about you....bell" bell was just a few months old but she look like her mother and in the future she will also act like her too.

"Beastie!" Raven yelled. She had her hair in a messy bun while in pj's. To him she still looks like an angel.
"Oh beastie please tell me you told them about that...?
She ask.

"Yep! My beautiful, smart,smell nice, gracful,hot-



"Eww you were flirting with mom." Luna said.

"Hey you will too! your husband."

"No thanks"

"Good night sweet heart" said and kiss eatch of them.

Raven and beast boy were in their rooms.

"I can not see how we fell in love."

"So can I"

"What! Was it the ears?".

Raven smirk" nope it was your smile she said and smile."

Beast boy smiled also. " I love you more then the stars in the sky." He said and kiss her head.

"You know that was pretty romantic." Raven said

"Oh shut-up" he said and laugh.

She gave him a peck
"I love you too."

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