See You Again - One Piece: Law x Reader

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"Hey... HEY!" said Zoro as he shook [Name]'s shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the man with a confused look. "Where is everyone?"

She shrugged as she stood up. "I don't know I was sleeping. You should have been paying attention while I was asleep!"

Zoro sighed and jumped off the ship and turned to her, "Let's get moving then. By the looks of it we are at groove one so it will be a while before we will find them."

[Name] jumped off the ship and followed the swordsman through a market-like area, and on the way she forced herself not to stop and look at the many booths with various foods and nicknacks. At any moment that she would look away from Zoro, she would somehow lose him in the crowd, despite the fact that he was a very large man with bright green hair. So [Name] forced herself to keep a close distance to the man. Then the smell of [favorite food] lead her astray for a second, and then the swordsman was gone from her sights.

"Oh crap, I lost him." [Name] said, as she found herself on an empty street, grumbling to herself. "How do I even lose that green haired buttface. He's so big."

She followed the street, hoping to see any familiar faces from her crew, or even Zoro. Being alone on an unknown island brought her to worry about the rest of the crew and how much trouble they would probably get involved with later in the day. The only thing she remembered before clocking out on the ship earlier was Hatchan, an octopus fishman, telling the crew that they needed the Sunny to have some sort of special coating in order to go to the next destination, which was Fishman Island.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up earlier, so I could go with them, instead of getting lost from that Zoro." She began to curse at her other crewmates for leaving her behind on the ship.

However she knew that it was difficult to wake her up when she was sleeping. The thought of how to get revenge on them clouded her mind, even though she knew at heart it was her fault that [favorite food] was calling out at her on that booth. Maybe she could hide all the toilet paper in the kitchen, or ignore them for the whole day. As she thought of different ideas, she didn't realize that she had bumped into someone in the process.

"Oh, I'm sorry." [Name] says, looking up to the man wearing a black-sleeved and hooded yellow hoodie.

"It's alright." The tall slender man with noticeable dark circles said looking down at her with a grin. His eyes trailed down towards his hoodie. "You just left a stain of ice cream on my hoodie."

"Wait, I wasn't even eating ice cream..." She mumbled, however the color drained from her face as she noticed how scary the man looked liked up close.

She knew that he was the captain of the Hearts pirate crew and his name was Trafalgar Law, the man known as the surgeon of death, or something like that. She didn't really know much about his title besides the fact that he was the same level as Luffy, her captain. He wore a fuzzy hat that looked like it came from a children's clothing store, but the weapon that he carried over his arm frightened [Name] from saying anything about his silly looking hat. She just stared at the man towering over her like a giant.

"I'm sorry." She bowed politely and then turned to walk away from the man until he grabbed her shoulder with his free hand.

"Wait." He called out, a cold look in his grey eyes.

She froze on the spot as his large hand gripped her shoulder lightly but with a firm grasp. The sounds of his groupies chuckling behind him, worried her slightly but if he intended to fight she would fight back to protect herself. At least, that's what she would want to do. If Nami found out that she had gotten in a fight on this island, [Name] would probably get a lecture out of that beri-hungry woman.

"Please don't slice me up with your sword. I have things to live for." She whimpered under her breath, as she slowly turned to face him. "There are foods to try in the New World..."

A small smile appeared on his face as if he had heard her silent plea, but before the fuzzy hat man could respond a white bear in an orange jumpsuit poked him on the shoulder. "Uh Captain, I think that's bird crap on your jacket. Not ice cream. I'm really sorry."

The moment the bear had said that, the group behind him began to laugh slightly. A small chuckle also came out of [Name]'s lips, which she tried hard to conceal with a straight face. Without changing the expression on his face, the man turned towards the group behind him and suddenly they became silent.

[Name]'s eyes widen, and she shot a finger at the bear. "IS THAT A TALKING BEAR."

"Please forgive me." The bear apologized, bowing his head really low to the ground.

"...His name is Bepo." The man said. "Are you gonna say that he's cute and you want to touch him?"

"Maybe. I am a bit hungry for bear steak..." [Name] chuckles, but then realized that the smile on his face disappeared and a frown took it's place. "Uh, it was a joke. I won't eat Bepo."

There was an awkward silence between the two people. The man seemed to be piercing his grey shards towards [Name] coldly, which frighten her from saying anything else.

"You are a weird person." He says, looking down at her. "Anyways, you seem lost."

"Huh? Shoot, is it that obvious..." [Name] mutters, scratching the back of her neck with a sheepish grin. "I got separated from my friends, so I'm looking for them right now."

"Ah, I see. Would you like some help then?" He said, staring at her.

[Name] blinked a couple of times before declining him. "Oh you don't really need to. You must have your own things to do besides help me, Sir-"

"Call me Trafalgar, and I don't really mind." He says interrupting her sentence. He gave her a crooked smile. "We might be heading towards the same place anyways."

"Alright. I guess thanks for helping me then, I'm [Name]." She gives a slight bow. "By the way, may I ask if you know what grove we are on currently?"

"...Grove 24." He said.

After a while of trying to keep up with Trafalgar's fast pace, she sighs in defeat when he finally slows down to look at her. "I'm not really sure where to look for my friends. They could be anywhere." [Name] says.

Two of the men from Trafalgar's group sped up next to [Name] and Trafalgar. One of the men who wore a penguin hat spoke up. "So [Name] I take it you are looking for your lady friends right? You probably came here to shop with them from a foreign land. You should introduce me, hm? The name's Penguin, and the man wearing the blue hat is Shachi."

"Yes, I want to meet some of your lady friends." Shachi chuckled. "They must be as pretty as you..."

Her eyes widen, and she shook her head. "I didn't come here to shop with lady friends!"

"Eh, then what's a beautiful woman like you doing in a island like this?" Penguin asked stopping in his trail.

Trafalgar also stopped, a curious look on his face as he waited for [Name] to respond. A single bubble from above them popped loudly, startling [Name] for a moment. Penguin crossed his arms and peered down at her with a straight face.

"My friends and I came here to find a way to Fishman Island." [Name] said, a bright look on her face. "I'm a pirate from the Strawhat crew."

Penguin and Shachi's mouths dropped open together in sync. Penguin spoke out. "Did you say, what you think I just heard? C-captain..."

An alluring smile appeared on Trafalgar's lips, as he continued ahead, leaving his groupie and [Name] behind him. They quickly tried to keep up with his pace. All of them were confused to where he was going without saying a word to them. The closer they followed him, the more [Name] got anxious about what he could be plotting to do. Trafalgar walks up to a fishman guarding a building and speaks with him momentarily before the fishman opens the door for him.

Without turning around he says, "Come inside here with me [Name]."

Inside there were many aristocrats of the island who talked amongst themselves. As [Name] caught up behind Trafalgar she could feel people staring at them as they walked by.

Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed the story :D

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