★Chapter 4★

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Hello readers,im sorry that i didn't update this next chapter because im very busy at my school...and i was thinking i requesting to all my reader that what will happen this story because im draine of ideas.

Kagome P.O.V

I woke up in the morning because of my alarm clock ringing.I went in the bathroom to take a shower,after that I dress my self with my light pink dress and comb my wet hair.

'monday today my first day in college year' I thought my self

After I comb my hair I see my cellphone beside my alarm clock with a message in it.

'Who could message me?'I thought

When I see who message,My eyes wide when I who message me.

   Good morning my Kagome, I'll gonna pick you up at your house this morning to drive you to your university today because I don't want my mate to be in danger - Sesshomaru

I giggle at my phone because sesshomaru's message me

I ready my things and going downstairs

I wore pink plat shoe and going outside to wait sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru P.O.V

I'm driving my car to go kagome's place

Well...im gonna surprise her later but for now im gonna keep it a secret.

Sorry for my short update readers
Pls commment if you willing to request of event that what will hapen.

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