Chapter 25: Thanksgiving

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There weren't any footsteps the next couple of nights, but everyone was still on edge. I don't think anyone was able to really enjoy the silence.

The twins were in and out of the house those next few days. I had no idea what they managed to get or where they hid it, but that was fine with me. I just needed to know they were working on it.

Thanksgiving morning, Kit was back to her old self and busy preparing a big meal. Me, my brother, Eyes, and the Mair were all leaving to spend it with our families, but no one else was. I felt terrible about it, but no one seemed jealous. Everyone hung out in the kitchen and helped with whatever needed to be done. We weren't as loud and happy as we were on Halloween—every once in a while someone glanced over at the basement door—but the mood was light and cheerful just the same.

Even The Voice must've been in a good mood. Evry was Compelled, but when it was over, she was in an even better mood than before. The same thing happened a few minutes later when Legs was Compelled. She came out with a smile on her face. It didn't make any sense to me. I'd never had an experience with The Voice that left me smiling. But that didn't matter. I was just happy their holiday hadn't been ruined—again.

A few minutes before four, I pulled Boy aside. He'd hardly said anything all day. I was worried. "How are you feeling about family dinner?" I asked.

"I'm scared," he said.

"You know, we don't have to go if you don't want to."

He thought about it. "No. Let's go. We need to try."

"If you ever want to come back to the house, just let me know," I said. "We can come back whenever you want."


Dad was waiting just like he said he would be. When he saw us coming down the sidewalk, his face remained blank. I couldn't tell if he was happy we'd actually come out or not.

I got in the front seat and Boy got in the back seat behind mine. Once we shut the doors, Dad turned in his seat towards us.

"Happy Thanksgiving, guys!" he said.

His enthusiasm sounded forced to me. His smile looked fake. But that could've been my own attitude. As hard as I was trying to give this family dinner a chance, it was hard for me to believe it'd turn out any better than before.

But we needed to try.

I did my best to smile and said, "Happy Thanksgiving!"

"Happy Thanksgiving, Dad!" Boy said.

Dad looked at each of us. "I'm really glad you guys decided to come." And there was something in his eyes and voice that made me believe he meant it.

* * *

Boy ran across the living room to Judith. She picked him up in a hug and twisted from side to side so that his legs swung out. They both laughed and she set him down. He turned and ran toward our mom.

I felt myself tense up. Would she actually hug him? If she did, would she seem relieved to finally hug her son after so many months? Or would she cringe?

Mom sank to her knees and held her arms wide open. Boy threw his arms around her and she wrapped hers around him. She closed her eyes and held him. A tear slid out from the corner of one eye.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Judith.

"I'm glad you guys came," she said quietly. She smiled

I smiled back. "I'm glad we came."


I turned to see Mom stood up. She took Boy's hand and walked over to me. After a moment she pulled off my oversized beanie.

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