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At my house, lemonades were laid out for both of us and things sat on the counter appropriate to make a milkshake. Kimberly was sitting on the living room couch, looking glum.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked worriedly. If they were more like Harry's parents, they'd be ready at the door for my arrival from the hospital.

She shrugged. "Out clubbing." she said lowly. "Hi Harry."

He waved, seeming a bit confused as I was. He held Bear's cage with one hand, the tiny dog asleep inside. Harry was stronger than I gave him credit for. Even though his rib was hurt and he left his wheelchair in the car, he could hold a dog and its cage with one arm.

I frowned and led Harry upstairs (which was almost impossible because his ribs were giving him a hard time) with me to my room. It was just how I left it, Harry's previous belongings from the last time he slept over before prom still sitting in the corner by the closet.

It was a wonder he didn't get in trouble for sneaking out; or having to break up with me because I was the one who was behind it.

"So, what are we going to do?" he asked. It was one in the afternoon, and my parents were clubbing-- which was odd. Kimberly also seemed down.

"Want to go downstairs and watch cartoons for a while?" I asked, not really knowing what to do. Man, was I a boring host. I was sure Harry didn't mind.

He nodded. "I'll probably fall asleep though."

I smiled. "Me too. I'm tired and my sides kind of hurt."

"Kat, your hip is bruised. My rib is." he joked, punching me in the arm. I laughed and grabbed a blanket and two pillows from off the bed, opening the door and standing at the top of the stairs.

It took even longer to get down the stairs, only because it would be much easier for something to happen to Harry.

We finally got to the bottom, and when we saw Kimberly she was about to drop off to sleep.

"Kimberly?" Harry questioned, somewhat hobbling over and poking her in the side. She perked up and looked at him, confused.

Her eyes were bloodshot red. "I'm just tired."

I walked over. "No, it has to be something more than that." I said, searching her face for any abnormalities but I was yet to find one. "You don't seem yourself."

She sighed, quickly giving in. "My parents said I can move back in." she said glumly. "I'm moving out of here tomorrow, and I leave for college right after school ends. Like the same day."

Harry shrugged and sat down next to her, offering support. That was one of the many things Harry was talented at. "That mustn't be too bad." he smiled kindly. "What college are you going to?"

"UCLA." she said coldly, and shock took over completely. That was such a good school. But it was so far away, and that meant losing Kimberly as a friend for a very long time.

"Far, I know." she said, looking down. "My parents picked it out for me and got me a scholarship because I play sports. Once again, trying to control my life. I'm never free."

My head cocked to the side. Kimberly and I were like polar opposites. Her parents cared too much, where as mine were out somewhere when I was just discharged fro. the hospital.

"Won't you be away from them when you're in Cali?" Harry asked.

She shook her head. "They're moving with me."

"Sounds fun." I said sarcastically. Surely, I was not making this much better.

Kimberly let out a long, drawn out groan. "School ends in a little over two weeks. And then I get shipped out. Away from my two best friends."

Harry and I gave her a warm embrace. "We can always keep in touch." he said warmly.

"Yeah," I piped in. "And the three of us can go on vacations together during spring break and in the summer."

"I've always wanted to go to England." Kimberly said, and finally a smile worked its way onto her features. She was pretty when she smiled. I was jealous of her, but that did not mean my self esteem was damaged. I was working on that.

"No." Harry stopped her quickly, making the shivering motion with his arms. "It's always cold there. The three of us can go to Bora Bora together. That's romantic."

Harry was such a dork that it was making me hopelessly fall in love with him.

Kimberly shook her head. "In case you didn't notice, I don't have a partner."

She was right about that, but that shouldn't have stayed that way for long. There were plenty of cute guys in Cali. "Don't worry. You'll find your honey bunny soon."

Kimberly laughed. "Thank you guys. You're the best."

We sat there in silence for a bit.

"In fact, tomorrow after school Kat and I are going to take you somewhere fun. We're all going to have a nice day out together."

"Okay." she beamed. "You're too sweet."

He really was. "I know." I chimed in. "And I am really lucky."

"No." Harry turned the television off. "I'm way luckier."

Kimberly gagged. "Please don't kill me with all this romantic stuff, please."

All three of us laughed, but were interrupted by Bear's soft barking. Goodness, I had forgotten about him so easily. I was bad at taking care of pets.

I rushed over and let him loose from his cage, and instantly he sprinted out towards Kimberly. She laughed gingerly as he kicked her face mercilessly, playing with her as he did with everyone.

"Cute dog." she cooed when he finally stopped, parking his butt next to Harry. "Who's is it?"

"Mine." he said proudly, like a two year old. He preceded to rub Bear behind the ear, looking like a proud father. "Mum and Dad bought it for me to celebrate what we pulled off."

Kimberly piped up. "I forgot to say, congrats on that! You two are incredible and ingenious to be able to take down a whole gang."

"Thank you." Harry and I said in unison, our eyes meeting each other's.

"I just realized, we're still wearing the matching bandanas." Harry pointed out. I had totally spaced out and forgot.

Kimberly scooted over on the couch. "That's too cute." she admired. "I hate romantic soppy things, but that's so cute. You guys are like-- a power couple or something."

Harry shrugged and kissed me on the cheek, making me blush. "She always gives me the power to move on." he whispered so that only I could hear, but I was sure he didn't even intend on me hearing.

Maybe he was telling that to Bear.

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