Chapter 1 - Escape part 1

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On an Island far away from citys and people there is an prison a prison that hold in people that has powers powers that no one want around the town or city only the government know who lies inside the prison on the Island the real quest is how many are on the Island no one knows and if they did they are not allow to talk about it until one night when the clock hit 12 three power people decided to break out and leave the Island when as they was trying to figure out how to open the lock door the doors on all three prisoners doors open as these three power people took this and left their room going down hallway to hallways looking for an exit as one had found an door that to the side that side exits as the first person opens the door and smiles looking around the boy turns to see water as he ran to the ocean bend down and sits in the water as the ocean water waves goes over his legs he just set there and smiles happy to have this amount of water as he took in a hand full of water and splashes it on his face he hears someone running in the woods as his smile faded he stands up and uses his water powers and makes medium size water bundles waiting for the person to come to him with seconds past a girl comes out of the woods as he sees her without thinking he throw on of the water bubbles at her getting her wet he looked at he again seeing the color on her clothes the realize she to is a prisoner "hey" she yells "what was that for I'm not one of the guards" she said and he smiles "sorry for that I just reacted to the sound" he said and walks over to her "my name is Corwin" he said and offers a hand she looks at his hand and smiles taking it "Lilah" she said her name as they both shook hands then looks around for a minute "so is it just you" ask Corwin and she nods " yep I didn't think other people was inside the place " he explains and he nods " me either you think there others" just as Corwin said that a blast hit not that far way "I think that may have answer you question" she said pointing to the smoke in the air "then let's go" he went to go run them see her looking at the water " but what if we get caught this my be our only chance on leave" she said then looks back at Corwin and he sighs " well if we leave and that person is ike us we would be leave a member behind even if we dont know who it is" he said thinking about then she sighs and nods " fine if we get caught then I'm leaving you behind"she said and he nod and runs as she follows behind him

The person the blow up and making the sky into smoke was running away he didn't know where he was going all he knew is what's front of him he thought --got to get out before morning-- he said in his head over and over as he was running he came to a stop seeing as the woods that he been running in became a sandy beach as he breathes heavy from running he looks around "this can't be all" he whispers to himself as he hear people behind him as he turns around and throws two fire balls at the people as Corwin quickly mad a water wall to stop the fire balls that was coming toward him and Lilah "friends not guards we won't hurt you" said Corwin as he try to calm down the boy in front of him "they all say that what make this any different " he said getting ready to aim again "we are in prison color clothes just like you" said Lilah "and if you want to get off this Island we got to work together " she explained the boy sighs closing his eyes then made his fire ball disappear "I don't need your help I'll get off this place myself" he said and walked off Corwin watches and runs following him "you know 3 heada is better then 1 why dont we work together and figure this out as a team" said corwin as the boy turns to him "I said no now leave me alone" he said and walks off again "let's go Corwin he dont want our help and he dont deserve it if he acting like this" said Lilah as Corwin watches the boy "no we can't just leave a member behind even if he trying to stay away" Corwin said and runs catching up to him "hey man look what ever they did in sure it was horrible but look there is nothing here we can use to go across the water and seeing as your fire your not gonna like the water but with us helping we can get off this island faster" said Corwin trying to win the guy trust a little "look Corwin is it I dont want help and I dont need it I been on my own all my life and I ask for help many time and got none so no I dont need your help now go back to your girlfriend okay" he said and walks to the woods "she not my girlfriend she a member" he yells out as Lilah was to Corwin "can we leave now" she ask "no not with out that guy he get himself killed " he said and she sighs "fine if this is how it gonna be " she said and makes an Ice ball and hold it in her hand and slowly walks up behind the boy Corwin was confused at first then quickly realized what was happening and goes to run to her when she had already thrown the ice ball at the boy and he stops watching the guy turn around and fire stops the ice as he throws the fire ball at Lilah and Corwin was kinda able to make the wall in front of lilah but she still got in on the harm "hey mister you know where trying to help you why dont hou take the help shut your mouth and as soon as we get to the city you can kill as many people you want" he looks at lilah as sighs " you to are stupid as many time I said no why keep trying your wasting time " she got mad enough stands up and walks over to the guy and looks up at him as he looks at her "because fireblaze that one won't leave you here and I'm stuck with him so your coming with us if you like it or not so kept saying no and this leave me alone crap and work with us or die here " she said as she looks at Corwin then back at her "fine if it will get you to shut up a long with him fine" he said as she nods "good now come we got work to do" she walks away as Corwin looks at her "you o-" she cut him of "dont say another word just get to work" she said and started to work as they all worked fast to make a raft before the guard comes


Renew hope you like this one better then the other one will be renew them all

(1282 words)

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